Dec 14, 2007 08:22
* J has clogged the toilet, and we have no plunger, and I'm just not that good at home repair. Hardware store? Luckily we have a toilet in the basement, but it's a LONE MYSTERY TOILET that was there when we moved in, and it's right by the back door, which has a WINDOW, and so you have to turn off all the lights to use it. Whatever.
* I'm making J see Alvin and the Chipmunks with me. It makes me all nostalgic, seriously, we had the Chipmunks' Christmas RECORD growing up, and that one movie? Where they go back to the woods to find their mom? TEARS.
* I want to write a story where Jon moves to Hawaii, but I don't know enough about Hawaii to write it, and I suck at research. But! There was going to be angst! JON ANGST.
* Someone has been trying to start their car outside my window for the past fifteen minutes. Dude, I don't think it's going to start with the key, just saying. You might want to try something else.
* Dogs barking; must go let them in.