Thank you

Aug 03, 2003 15:32

I made a post earlier, worried about being a bad mommy. I got nothing but nice things said to me from you guys and I totally appriciate it. Thank you guys! I am making a list (yeah, it sounds shrinkish but maybe it'll work) of stuff I don't want to tolerate from Anthony. I'm also gonna TRY to do these things.

1)No hitting, biting, hair-pulling, pinching, kicking or scratching anyone (including the dog) = automatic spanking.
2)No throwing things indoors/no running indoors = automatic spanking.
3)No juice, food or candy outside the kitchen = losing juice, food or candy.
4)No going outside, into the street (or other dangerout places) without me = automatic spanking.
5)No running away from me in the store... um, can't spank him in public b/c last time I did someone called Children's protective services as I mentioned in the previous post. Would it be abusive if I got him a kid-leash?

I hope these things work but I have my doubts. I mean, when I spanked him for biting me he just laughed. What bugs me the worst is a)when I try to get him to do something and it doesn't work but it works for everyone else b)when he laughs in my face when he gets his way. I scare myself then b/c I get so mad I could scream at him. That would also be abusive. I want him to respect me but I don't want him to do what he's told b/c he's afraid of me... that would be the WRONG reason to do what one is supossed to do. I'm not worried about hurting him when spanking him (physically) I just think it's hypocritical and lazy. But my parents (I live there b/c I can't afford to go to school and live on my own) constantly undermine my authority. He doesn't have consistancy. Everyone does it different and I don't like that but they won't budge on some things that are important to me. I don't want to shame him into doing what's right either, I grew up in a typical irish-catholic family and I had enough of that. I don't think it does much but knock down a kid's self esteem. Sure, bad kids need their egos knocked down a few notches (like my ex should have his knocked down long ago, I used to think he had low self-esteem but I learned the hard way that his self-esteem was too HIGH, that's his problem) but Anthony is NOT a bad kid. He's smart, he's obedient some of the time, he's a typical two year old. He's adventuros, funny, adorable and likes people. So he's got good qualities. I just want him to respect me and obey me. But I don't want to squelch who he is or feel bad about himself. I don't want to be strict like my parents b/c I don't want Anthony to be a carbon-copy of me, a professional two-faced stuck-up anal-rententive perfectionistic actress like my sister (actress figuratively speaking) and I don't want him to be a loser who can't do anything right who constantly rebels and doesn't care how other people feel. BLAH! What's wrong with me?
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