The Weeklies.

Nov 23, 2008 16:56

I hope everyone has a great week. For those the celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I wish you a friend and family filled holiday you will remember. For those that don't do Thanksgiving, celebrate yourself this week. Do something nice for you that you haven't done in a while.

Weekly community goal: I thought this week we could do an exercise challenge. The old record for exercise minutes was 1800 minutes. Let’s try to break that with 2000 minutes.

Weekly theme: Knowing you have support when you start your weight loss journey is important. Lets talk about where we find our support. Do you feel you get enough support from those around you? How did you go about finding the right type of support for you? How do you try to support others that are on the same journey as you are? Have there been times when someone tried to support you so much, that it felt like they were stepping over the line?

Weekly top ten: Your top ten favorite books. Any genre is welcome one cook book or exercise book would be great.

mod post: goal settin sunday, mod - highd

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