Weekly Survey

Nov 16, 2008 08:53

1) Are you currently in a relationship? If not would you like to be?
Yep, Happily married

2) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?

3) Have you ever had your heart broken?

4) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
that would be very hard. I really don't know.

5) Have you talked about marriage with another person?
I was married once before, so yes.

6) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be?
Since I am married, keeping that to himself would probably be a good idea.

7) Do you enjoy playing hard to get?
I did.

8) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dating?
I did until I met my husband. I fell so fast I couldn't think straight to "play a game"

9) Do you believe in love at first sight?

10) Are you a romantic ?

11) Do you believe that you can change someone?

12) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object?
I'd do my wedding all over again, we eloped on the beach in San Diego at sunset. It was perfect!!

13) Sex buddies - good or bad?
Good as long as neither person wants more

14) Do you think going back to an ex is a smart move?
It could be, I think the norm however is no it's not really smart.

15) Do you have feelings for someone right now, whether they know or not?
Yep, in love with my husband.

16) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed it up?

17.) Have you broken a heart?

1. Male Friend: My husband
2. Female friend: Krysten, the girl I grew up with basically since the day i was born.
3. Vacation: Maui, San Diego are my favorites.
4. Memory: The day my kids were born.

1. Time of the day: Waking up
2. Day of the week: Probably Tuesday, that day always seems to last forever.
3. Food: fish
4. Memory: several from my childhood

1. Person you saw: My son Caide is sitting in front of me as I type.
2. Talked to on the phone: My mom, or my father in law I can't remember which.
3. Run in with an ex: Well he came to pick up our kids yesterday, for the weekend.
4. Messaged over myspace: Don't really use myspace anymore
5. IM'd: Will

1. What are you doing right now:Watching The Stand, letting my husband sleep in. Typing this.
2. Wearing? pjs
3. Better than yesterday? So far, it's early. :) Yesterday was pretty good though.
4. Did you see the person you like? yes
5. What's the weather? dreary/cold

1. Is: Monday
2. Got any plans: Start cleaning and getting ready for Thanksgiving.
3. Dislikes about tomorrow: it's Monday, my husband goes back to work.

1. Number: 5
2. song: Right now.. Float on - Modest Mouse
3. Season: Winter
4. Cartoon: When I was a kid, Garfield

1. Missing someone: no
2. Mood: good
3. Wanting: nothing right now
4. Listening to: "the stand" on the television

True or False
I am a morning person: false
I am an only child: false
I am currently in my PJ's: true
I am currently suffering from a broken heart: False
I can be paranoid at times: true
I currently regret something that I have done: False
I curse frequently: True
I enjoy country music: false
I enjoy hip hop: True
I enjoy techno/trance: false
I enjoy talking on the phone: True
I have a hidden talent: false
I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: true
I have all my grandparents: false
I have changed a diaper: True
I have changed a lot over the past year: true
I have done something illegal: true
I have had major/minor surgery: true
I have had my hair cut within the last 2 months: true
I have had the cops called on me: false

member - ali_konu

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