alright, so I'm back

Mar 02, 2011 19:15

I never did find the energy to update after that 4-day weekend, or the most recent weekend either I guess. this past saturday I went to a women's health rally and then went to abc with matt for the first time in forever to see molly while she was visiting. didn't really talk much to molly but it was nice saying hey at least, and a bunch of other people that I'd been missing.

that included shawn, who I haven't hung out with at all since he and lola broke up. yeah, they split, that's one of the big events that got totally left out of this journal while I was off gallavanting about town...he had started acting really weird and treating us differently since he got back from the farm and lola got really fed up with the bullshit he was pulling and dumped him. he was basically infantalizing her and even me to an extent for certain lifestyle choices we'd made while he was busy with the vegetables, like smoking more weed, and their sex life was down the tube because he refused to fuck her like she wanted it because it would "demean" her and (lord forbid a feminist should like it rough). but despite what you'd think given all that, it was awesome seeing him! he acted totally back to his normal self, silly, loud, impulsive...if anything it was LESS awkward than it was when he and lola were still together. it was as if the break up allowed him to start treating me like he used to intstead of judging me and looking down on me.

nothing's been going on this week, just school and being tired etc, except that I wrote a bomb-ass short story that I'll post here once I get the document off of my school computer.


mattt, abc no rio, shawn, fun

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