Feb 06, 2009 17:18
usually saying "what's the worst that can happen?" is a helpful thing for me but this time it just made me feel more anxious than ever. because the worst that can happen is everybody will regret agreeing to let me write this play, and they'll discuss it behind my back, and tell me that they don't want me to be a part of the project anymore and they're going to do something else. and that would be so terrible. i would probably quit my job in shame.
the first reading is tomorrow. i am not comfortable with what i have. was i always this insecure?
i will be so happy when this first draft process is over and the actual collaboration begins. then i won't be so alone anymore.
my mood for the moment, at least, is lifted by this delicious delicious coconut milk yogurt. mmm mmm. but it is dampened again because of how expensive it was. damn you park + vine!