Dec 07, 2003 18:04
Ah man, i know im behind the times, but ya know what rocks? THE CLAY CENTER. I went with Allie today, and i felt all kinds of cultural, it was great. I felt bad cuz her mom ended up giving me a ride, but i got over it once i made a deal with her, so its all good. And considdering i haven't slept in 27 hours, and i felt like killing someone this morning, today turned out pretty damn swell. After the clay center Allies mom took us to this christmas song thing at UC, it wasn't TOO good, but being with Allison was actually better than it normally is...wierd, and i think i earned some brownie points with her mom, who tends to hate me. Now the only thing i want is to be able to go to the show tommorow night, and for her to be able to (which isnt likely) i know rx bandits arent playing anymore, but i dont really care, i havent been to a show in over 3 months damnit, and i wanna see my friends before i leave...assuming i leave...