Jul 16, 2008 23:05

(bonus cookies to those who recognize the header quote)

This was not a good idea to watch before going to bed, because now I'm rather irate.

Just a bit.

image Click to view

I really, really hope there's some sort of valid reason for this censorship, or I will be beyond irate. I wonder if BBC's given a reason for this.

And while I'm at it, more links stolen from kapunua:

HHS Moves to Define Contraception as Abortion

WTF YOU SAY? The very fact they're even considering this makes me want to blow a vessel.

Here's a quote: Up until now, the federal government followed the definition of pregnancy accepted by the American Medical Association and our nation's pregnancy experts, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which is: pregnancy begins at implantation. With this proposal, however, HHS is dismissing medical experts and opting instead to accept a definition of pregnancy based on polling data.

Because we Americans all have a medical degree and know better than the AMA. CLEARLY.

And: As the HHS proposal details,

"Because the statutes that would be enforced through this regulation seek, in part, to protect individuals and institutions from suffering discrimination on the basis of conscience, the conscience of the individual or institution should be paramount in determining what constitutes abortion, within the bounds of reason. As discussed above, both definitions of pregnancy are reasonable and used within the scientific and medical community. The Department proposes, then, to allow individuals and institutions to adhere to their own views and adopt a definition of abortion that encompasses both views of abortion.

There really are no words, just some incoherent growling noises right now.

Last link: Bush claims privilege to withhold CIA leak records.

Jules, I'm never reading your links before bed ever again, because they're not at all conducive for peaceful rest. ;)


ETA: For fun uterii macros.

And for someone far more pissed off than I am. Saved so I can check out the links.
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