(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 17:14


Quick Notes:

I hate the scene at the Burrow with the Death Eaters. Pointless, stupid (because it's charmed to protect Harry, and the Weasley's probably have their own protections). Loved Remus there, and the no mention of the relationship between the two. Not that I hate Remus/Tonks, really, I just never liked how tacked on and somewhat superfluous it felt. It's kind of why Harry/Ginny was a bit off for me. Imo, I think she waited too long to develop Ginny enough to the level required for such a big part.

Loved the settings, absolutely loved them, especially the Burrow which felt spot on for me. And the cinematography. Ron and Lavender were hilarious, as was Harry after taking Felix, and Hermione and McClaggen's relationship or lack thereof.

Loved Tom Felton in this movie! Loved that he finally had a chance to act and develop Draco. And Snape's scene with Dumbledore in the Astronomy Tower. Snape/Rickman in general. The man could read out of the dictionary and I'd sit for hours listening.

Was weirded out about Narcissa's hair color. Really, wtf? And Bella being the one to suggest the Vow.

Luna's hat! Omg, loved that. And the Quidditch scenes.

HATED THE END. This ruined an otherwise pleasant Potter movie. I don't go into these movies expecting it to stick to canon, but man. The ending completely ruined this movie for me. And it probably didn't help that I couldn't feel my ass at this point, and my knees were dying, and my back hurt. ;p I hate theatre seats.

I think my hate for the ending stems to a few things. First, is that Harry just stood under the Tower while the Death Eaters and Snape threatened Dumbledore. No fricking way in hell would that have happened, I don't care what he'd have sworn. That's not Harry, at all. Especially after Snape cast the curse. He would have stormed right up there, ready to kill him. WHAT. THE. FUCK. And there's a reason why I liked, in a sense, him being trapped under the cloak. It added more to the horribleness of the scene, because for me, it would be horrible to be unable to do a thing to protect one of the most important people in my life as they're killed right in front of me.

Oh, and ETA: how Dumbledore loses his wand by Draco. This is kinda really big for the 7th book, and Dumbledore would not have just let Draco cast expelliarmos (or however you spell it) on him, which's also why the Full Body Bind should have stayed.

The way the Death Eaters just walked out of the castle. No DA, no resistance whatsoever. No Hagrid, even though they set his hut on fire. Hagrid's reaction to Dumbledore's death felt really OOC. He was more worked up about Aragog's death then Dumbledore's. In fact, I was rather disappointed on how little Dumble's death affected me. :/

And my biggest fears were confirmed with Snape. Man that blowed. I hated the way he left. Absolutely no emotional response to Harry calling him a coward, which was huge for me. He's just been forced to kill one of the few people he may have cared about, the only man who truly believed in him, performing one of the most self-sacrificing, horrible, and courageous acts in the book, and he just. walks. away. FAIL. And this is fucking Alan Rickman! The man can act, and they hardly ever used him! What a waste.

First Dumbledore in HP4, now Snape. Le sigh.

when fangirls attack, fail

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