Feb 15, 2007 23:25
Ok so i'm sick as I don't even know what right now I've only been to school once this week, I'm lying in bed with hot flashes and cold flashes and throwing up flashes and I was just about to pop my pills and hopefully pass out with maybe a phone call right before that but instead I got all riled up and I know that i've complained about this vocally but it's about time I put this in hard copy just so I know that I did because thats just how angry it makes me.
So here's the deal, here's the commercial that just drives me insane and no it's not the "head on apply directly to the forehead" malarchy.
"I knew that I had high blood pressure but no one ever told me that it could lead to erectile dysfunction.....and I knew that I had diabetes but I didn't know that it could lead to ED....." and so on and so forth. So here we have these men who are in a commercial finally voicing their worry about these conditions that they have NOT because they are dangerous conditions in and of themselves but because it might mean THAT THEY WON'T BE ABLE TO GET IT UP.
Are you freakin kidding me here? It's like neither of those two things are an issue until it effects the sex life....or it's like doctors need to use these commercials to scare guys into doing something about their health and the only way to scare these guys is to threaten them with the prospect of not being able to perform. SOMEONE JUST SHOOT ME NOW IF THIS IS WHAT THE WORLD HAS COME TO.
Is that what we need to do to get men functioning in the world?? "You know lil Billy you better go to school and get good grades because if you don't that may lead to erectile dysfunction". Maybe we should try that on the jihadists " Perhaps you should stop being terrorists because thats a very stressful lifestyle that could lead to high blood pressure and many other issues that may effect your erectile abilities so even if you are a suicide bomber you're penis won't work with your 75 virgins". Maybe we should send up memo and see how that goes???
Not saying that all guys are like that...but lets be real....give me a break because it's outrageous, seriously.
That is all.