dunno why, just felt like it from Spring 04 semester

May 21, 2007 23:28

Doin this just to see the interestingness of it all. We can all keep in mind that most of these were written as the result of a specific assignment so I didn't totally pull these things out of nowhere.

Green M&M's

The grass is always greener
Chlorophyll makes leaves green
Spring time is here, Spring Fever

Green MnM's make you horny.
Lustful candy.
Four-leaf clovers are green and lucky
Give a green MnM and maybe you'll GET lucky.

Beware the Green-Eyed Monster
Don't be jealous
Who is giving who else the green MnM?
No green MnM for you?
The grass is aways greener

If your mood ring is green
You're calm and serene
You'd probably rather a green MnM
Than a green mood ring.

Pity party for you
Date the Jolly Green Giant
The good that is green

Yucky green beans
Yucky green tea
Yucky green everything

The grass is always greener
For the green MnM's

The White Van

three pretty little girls
in pretty little bathing suits
that's what he must have thought

playing and laughing
on the stairs
of the porch

rusted white van
sky blue back window covers
old man in front

wearing sunglasses
covering his eyes
he was hiding something

drives by real slow
aim camera

"that man took our picture"
"why would he do that?"
"maybe we'll be in the newspaper"

drives by again
nice and slow

inside moms know better
on the porch they come

drives by again
first slow, then fast
can't catch the plate number

he left with a picture
he left with our innocence
we then knew more than we should

three pretty little girls
in pretty little bathing suits
that's what he must have thought

Letter of Confession

Father Aug 4,1892 Fall River, Mass.
I never meant to hurt you
I only did what I had to do
We could have lived in luxury
But you kept us in dullness
I wanted more

You married a woman who wasn't my mother
She didn't love me,
I will never call her "mother"
I had no use for her

My life was not what I wanted
My sister and I were unhappy
I loved Emma
She was all I had

I had to kill the two of you
I had no choice
You never suspected a thing
You never paid attention

I found the axe so easily
I formulated my plan so intelligently
I carried out the deed so effortlessly
I solved my problem so quickly

No one will think it was me
A woman could do no such thing
But I could do such a thing
And I did.


(Lizzie Borden)


In my room with one window no light comes in
I watch the rain as it drips down the glass
I feel alone, sanity slowly making it's exit
My thoughts consume me as I try to make sense of them
There is no making sense of them, they are nonsense
No hope is left for me, there is nothing left to do
Staring out the window slowly listening to the drip drip drip
Slowly drifting away

A ray of light seaps through my one window
I look up to see a rainbow right outside
I venture outside to revel in the hope a rainbow brings
I shall find it, I know it is where I'm meant to be
I walk the rainbow path and I feel the sun getting warmer on my face
The higher up I get the clearer my head becomes
I know there is hope for me

Down the colorful path I go knowing I will find my way
I'll never be lost again
As I near the end of the rainbow I come to a grassy area
Weeping Willows greet me, but I know they haven't been crying
The sun is brighter that I've ever seen and a little creek calls to me
I cross the stepping stones ever so slowly
I don't want to disturb the beauty that surrounds me
Everything is right here over the rainbow

I cross the creek and I want to rest but I'm compelled to continue
Animals approach me and follow me in my journe
Fairies fly, they are happy to see me, they've been waiting
The air smells so sweet, I never want to leave
I continue on my way and I notice the air growing colder
The sun is less bright and the grass isn't as green
I come to a wall that appears to go on forever
There's a door in that forever wall and I must go through it

The door is locked, I should turn back
I know there are wonderful things past that door
I must get to the other side
I tug on the door knocker, it eerily echoes
The door creaks as it opens
I find myself in a garden, the garden surprises me
Nothing but dead flowers and empty fountains greet me
The sky is a light gray and the dead flowers leave a hint of their once beautiful smell

There are no birds singing, no fruit on the trees
Just a forgotten and neglected garden
I turn to the door to leave and it's gone
I"m forced to continue forward
I will find something better ahead, I must
Walking througt the garden I miss my old life
I know i'll never see it again
Live as I knew it is over

The end of the garden meets with an awesome heat
Not the warmth of the sun, but a burning heat:
A scary heat and I see nothing but bright red
My eyes adjust and I see deep puddles of lava
Bubbling and oozing over black rocks
I smell a putrid unrecognizable odor
Is this really what is over the rainbow?
I must have made a wrong turn

I walk further into the inferno and I see cages
There are people trapped in these cages
Crying in agony, writhing in pain
Driven by ambition over the rainbow
Trapped forever by their hope in the unknown side
Wanting what they don't have, not knowing if it's even there
I see an empty cage with it's door open in a welcoming fashion
I see a sign; the sign has my name on it

I feel alone, sanity slowly making it's exit


Fog-like saturation envelops my head
Friction towering
Tiny Crystals forming


Layers of crystal tears

Puffy luminous cicles surround my eyes
Streaks down my face

Tiny crystal tears
Formed by patchy thoughs and wispy dreams

Dense veils, Fine veils
Frosted Glass
All hiding whats really there

Wave like emotions
Blown away by wind
Golden edge on the surface

Tiny crystals fused within

The End....we'll leave my sick mind from now....and that was 3 years ago...imagine it now, oh sad.
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