I find myself losing the fight with this emotional eating. In the past week, I've downed a long tube of oreo, a bag of chocolate chip cookies and more than a handful of chocolate chips baking, too many ang ku kueh, a large bag of popcorn... and much more I cannot now recall.
This emotional eating is revolting. Perhaps it is no coincidence that I fell sick this week and had to skip 2 consecutive days of pole because of that. Now I am back to being a flabby 47kg lard ball.
I am also sorely lacking motivation to work on the projects that I need to complete by next week. I'm slouched on my couch right now miserably stuffed up with too much cornflakes and chocolate chips, too damned lazy to get started on anything this Sunday afternoon.
I wish I had something more interesting to write about. This very post disgusts me.
Oh, did I mention I caught Coldplay last night? The atmosphere was pretty damn amazing. Didn't regret the standing pen tickets which J had procured for us and WL, DL, Gill and Alex.
I was a bit afraid that it would be awkward, going with J. It surprisingly wasn't.
Two pictures from @taupok below.
I was a bit frustrated with the camera on the S7 edge. It never felt as responsive as the one on my iPhone 6, it airbrushes my selfies, and produced shit ass grainy pictures in low light. And then I found the pro mode by chance, while wrestling with the crowd to snap pictures of Chris Martin... and I ate all my words.
Yas! I was *that* close to Mr Martin.
I love the ability to adjust the shutter speed without the need to use a third party app. After tweaking some of the settings, I got the colors to come out just about right too. No more oversaturated crap.
Coldplay has a reputation of throwing one of the best concerts around and I must say they really do. They pander to the crowd, their stage is beautiful, the lighting absolutely gorgeous. Everything is just on point. (barring the fact that it is a too short 2 hour
I should have lived a little more in the moment and not view the concert through my photos. I couldn't help that I was on a bit of an emotional creative buzz. Everything around me was so mesmerizing, the groups of friends having fun, the dudes flailing about in their own awkward dance, the teary die-hard Coldplay singalongs, the couples cuddled in the adrenalined bubble of love songs. And there I was... a creepy little child in her own movie-set candy store, wanting to collect every single moment and put it in a tiny jar.
Everything else on
@skiphopbob coz I'm lazy to post the pictures separately. I've got too many to post and I'm only half satisfied with these few that I've posted but I guess I've got to learn how to be satisfied with just good enough.