(no subject)

Jan 03, 2012 23:57

I had a mini epiphany on my last run of 2011.

I had just done a quick 800m warmup swim in a freezing outdoor pool; the water was cold from 3 days of continuous rain and the wind was sweeping the surface of the pool as I struggled through the cold.

The warmup did wonders for my run. My pace was a good constant 8kmph and I was able to up it 9kmph, despite it being my first run in months. Sure, it was only a short sprint of 3km but it felt amazing. My bad knee didn't hurt, my right foot didn't go numb. My muscles felt alive and free.

As I approached my final 200m, my mini-epiphany struck. If I kept at my new years' resolutions short and sweet, I could actually keep at it throughout the year. However cheesy the resolution, as long as it was short and had a nice ring to it, it would work. Very much like a good marketing jingle :P

My resolution for 2012 shall henceforth be the cheesiest rhyme ever: HEALTH AND WEALTH IN 2012. This relates to physical, emotional and mental health. Lofty ambitions I know, for the daughter of an amazing baker, a girl who just leapt to the wrong side of twenties and whose neuroses are enough to cripple twenty grown men. BUT I SHALL I SHALL I SHALL.

This means more swimming, more biking, more running. Less alcohol, less social activities (unless they involve either of the three).

To my dearest friends who actually follow whatever this is, apologies in advance if you find yourself exclaiming to me "I HAVENT SEEN YOU IN FOREVER/YONKS/EONS/[insert expression of uber long duration of time here]." I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUU ;)

And now, I shall banish all the bad experiences of my first working day of 2012 and head off to bed, where I truly belong :P

work, life, exercise, resolutions

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