Aug 07, 2005 08:58
Hey All,
Sorry for the infrequent updates. Ive been really busy lately.
Last weekend I drove down to see Kerry. We ended up doing a fair bit of hiking. We climbed Seneca Rocks and took a couple mile stroll down the Greenbrier River Trail. I got lots of nice flower pictures, and caught a snake and some cool salamanders. I think it was a queen snake and possibly some blackbelly dusky salamanders. Im still working on IDing them from the pictures though. It was an excellent weekend, and well worth the drive. Good times.
For anyone reading this who doesnt know, the MD Dept of Natural Resources, Maryland Biological Stream Survey is hosting the Maryland Streams Symposium from August 10-13th at Carroll Community College. We're anticipating about 400 people. This has caused me to be really busy at work, and this upcoming week is going to be crazy.
In other news, I'm moving back out to Frostburg on Sunday the 14th. Looks like I have my mother's assistance, and possibly my dad's too. Because of how busy I'll be this week, I pretty much need to do most of my packing today. Moving is both depressing and exciting. I think I actually have roommates this year who are reaasonable people and that I share common interests with. And hopefully, not as much of my kitchen stuff will disappear this year!
Time to go be productive,