skins holiday project 2010!

Oct 12, 2010 17:16

With the holidays just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about giving -- and getting! This year skinswishlist will be hosting the second Holiday Wishlist Project, and offering challenges and exchanges.

So, getting straight to the fun! If you would, fill out this quick poll so we can set up the activities that everyone is most interested in!


Let me know if you have any other suggestions!

I'll be kicking off the wishlist project here shortly, so spread the word and pimp out the comm! I know a lot of people are busy with Big Bangs and other exchanges, but my hope is that this'll be a fun, low-stress way to revive fandom a bit, and share the holiday spirit! If you'd like to see some wishes filled, grab a banner and promote in your own LJ!" />" />" />" />" />

!holiday project 2010, *mod post, *banners

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