Anna's Wishlist

Oct 26, 2010 00:28

Hey all!  Some awesome wishes floating around so far, here are mine.  This is almost getting me excited for Christmas, and that is quite a feat before December 20!

1)  Vid:  Any Gen 2 femslash pairing, set to 'Ghost' by Gregory and the Hawk

2)  Vid:  Fun/lighthearted Effy vid spanning all four series, set to 'She moves in mysterious ways' by U2

3)  Vid:  This is one I've wanted to make since the end of S3, if only I had any talent or experience at vid making :P   Cook/Emily set to 'Bones and Joints' by fingereleven, basic plot is that Cook and Emily are rejected by Effy and Naomi and wind up with each other (ending with the infamous 3.7 scene)

4)  Fic:  Gen 1 'where are they now?' christmas fic.  they don't have to all meet up, but maybe just a little blurb about how they're each spending christmas 2-4 years after college.

5)  Fic:  Katie/Michelle, doing anything at all, just being HBICS

6)  Fic: : Katie/Emily (not necessarily incest), Katie and Emily are psychic twins, they can literally read each other's minds (only each other though). How this affects their relationship, and their relationships with others.

7)  Fic:  Emily/Brittany (Glee Crossover), IDK, just something ridiculous about Emily's fixation with tall blonds or something.

8)  Fic:  US!Skins- Tea/Michelle or Tea/Michelle/Tony or Tea/Michelle/Daisy, just something fun centered around a party maybe, to get people excited for this.

9) Graphics:  Cassie/Michelle icons or wallpapers

10) Graphics:   Cook/Emily or Cook/Emily/Naomi icons/banners/whatever

11) Wishful thinking: extra userpic slots, world peace, a new car, Olivia Wilde in my stocking, the Skins Movie, hitting the lotto, etc.

2010 wishlist, -graphics, !wishlist project 2010, -vid, -fic

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