So there's a lot here. I don't expect it all. The fics are all more vague/prompts as opposed to detailed descriptions (except the first one) so I'm open about length.
1) Skins/Being Human
Everything in Season 4 happened, except for the fact that Dr Foster was a werewolf. In the final scene he transformed and bit Cook.
Set a couple of months after the finale Cook has returned to Bristol after disappearing. He meets Ghost!Freddie, who has been haunting the house of one John Mitchell, vampire. Hi-jinks ensue.
Don't mind about tone, but I'm hoping for something a bit light, ie. Frook having fun, Mitchell being badass and them all trying to keep their secret from Effy.
Must include: Cook/Effy, some Mitchell/Effy, doesn't need Annie, George or Nina, but they can be included
2) Cook/Katie
'you're the monkey i got on my back who tells me to shine,'
3) Tony/Michelle
'and it's beginning to get to me
4) Tony/Effy
'when i'm losing control, the city spins around,
you're the only one who knows, you slow it down,'
5) Cook/Katie
Set years after season 4, Katie, the only one left in Bristol, picks up Cook after he's released from prison
6) Naomily
Samson - Regina Spektor
7) Effy(/Freddie/Cook)
Hurricane Drunk - Florence + The Machine
8) Tony/Michelle
9) Gen 1+2, massive wallpaper of skins love (1280x800)
Wishful Thinking
10) 1,500 tokens to rename my account
11) for next year to go off without a hitch
12) Good exam results