Apr 14, 2011 15:14
So I was looking over something my friend wrote back in 2008 (um...yeah...boredom and curiosity leads me to delve back into the past) and I saw they had ended it with 'Ah, fuck it for Chris.' I had completely forgotten, but this reminded me that back in 2008, 'Fuck it for Chris' became common slang where I live. To the extent that even people who had never seen the show would say it, and not in a jokey, novelty way. It just became common to say, "Eh, fuck it for Chris." instead of "Eh, fuck it."
I also remembered that one of my friends could print slogans onto t-shirts and was planning on making a "Fuck it for Chris" one. This never actually happened, but it made me think, if Skins did slogan t-shirts, which slogans would you like to see them use? They would obviously be like those nu-rave ones everyone wore back in the day (ie. in 2007/2008).
Ones that spring to mind are: Fuck it for Chris (obviously), Oh, wow! Lovely!, I don't compromise, I'm Cook! and I'm Katie fucking Fitch (...and on the back...) Who the fuck are you? (I think there are t-shirts for this one already, actually, I've seen them around in the magical land of Tumblr.) They would all be in capital letters though because that is the nu-rave way.
Also, would you buy them? (I'm not hinting at anything, by the way, I'm not bringing out a t-shirt collection.) I think I'd buy a couple and then they'd be the kind of thing I'd wear if I was just sitting around at home, or on those days where you have no brainpower to try and come up with a decent outfit.