[drop meme. no drops. one essay for Yoi-te]

Aug 09, 2009 00:38


☣ Rikuou
IC: Rikuou feels very ineffectual. Friends keep telling him about horrible people in camp and then expecting him NOT TO DO ANYTHING. And he hates it. He's also been here for almost four years! And you can only tell yourself that time's not passing and nothing you do matters so often before it starts to hurt as much as it helps. There's a continually looming threshold for when he is going to snap and just. Put all his thoughts and secrets out there in one big angry post in an attempt to make sure camp has nothing left to fuck him over with so he can go home. The only thing stopping him is that he doesn't think it would WORK. Day to day he acts chill. Camp is still amusing and he has awesome devoted (hot) friends, so coping's not impossible. It just sucks.
OOC: Yeah Rikuou is my spirit animal. And since CLAMP sucks and sending him home wouldn't give him any kind of resolution, he stays.
Dropping: 1/10! If I could only keep one character in camp it would actually not be him anymore, but no one is forcing me to make that choice.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: ... 3/10 if Kaza dropped. 3/10 if Ryuuken dropped. 7/10 if both of them miraculously simultaneously dropped.
Plans: Finally get Gojyo a date. FIND A REASON TO THREAD MORE WITH MURAKI? Think of something to do for his anniversary that... isn't one big angry post.

☣ Tsuzuki
IC: MURAKI!!1 Tsuzuki is constantly on the alert these days, though he may not act like it because he doesn't want to provoke Muraki,. He's very worried about Hisoka and wants to support him completely. Even if nothing happens, his safe and happy space in camp is tainted now. ...also, totally conflicted about the heartache he feels from seeing Tatsumi with somebody else.
OOC: To be honest, having Muraki in camp has totally revitalized Tsuzuki for me. He was slipping into dangerous backburner territory and staying for the partners, and now he is not! I am slightly~ wary of all the Big Issues that having a Muraki brings up (our canon plays rape for laughs! rape is not funny! I don't want to deal with it seriously though!) but... until someone tells me they're uncomfortable, I'm coping.
Dropping: 2/10. I could see me slumping again, but not for a good amount of time.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: 8/10. Slim possibility that I would keep him around to emo for a month or so afterwards, but it's not likely.
Plans: thread a lot with the cast? balance it out with other people? possibly helping Watari warn camp through horrible art? THE FLYING CAR? (nah)

☣ Ahiru
IC: Ahiru has all of her memories now. She knows how the story will end, and that it doesn't have any roots at all in camp. This makes camp kind of a bittersweet place where she can be with all her friends a little longer.
OOC: I deliberately canon-updated Ahiru so she wouldn't feel the constant pressure to find heart shards where there aren't any. It's been good for her! I'm a lot happier with having her backburn a little more now.
Dropping: 2/10. She's stabilized a lot.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: Ironically, this means that Ahiru is more likely to drop if Mytho drops :'( 6/10.
Plans: finally put on a ballet >(

☣ Doumeki
IC: He's very content with the way things are in camp right now, and fairly resigned to not going home. I... honestly don't have much more to say.
OOC: I AM WAITING FOR CLAMP TO DROP THE OTHER SHOE. Doumeki is a forever boy though, and I will roll with the punches. I actually still love his canon and am excited for whatever may come, and trust my cast to have fun dealing with it. He's slipping down a little in terms of play but he's so zen that I don't mind~
Dropping: 1/10.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: haha 10/10. I've played through Watanuki leaving and returning once before, am not interested in doing it again.
Plans: . . . none really.

☣ Dru
IC: Dru is batshit, as always.
OOC: Last time I did one of these memes I said Dru was safe FOREVAR. And then Spike and I talked it over and decided we were going to drop. . . . and then a week later we came back to each other with the news that we just couldn't do it. So I THINK I WAS RIGHT AFTER ALL. Dru is my perpetual backburner, but I love her brand of insanity too much not to have her around for those rare perfect moments.
Dropping: 3/10. If I needed to drop someone, she'd be high on the list. But I don't.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: ...3/10? maybe? sorry honey.
Plans: moogle teaparty. fight with Harm more if I can catch her. TOUCH SPIKE 8B

☣ Ringo
IC: Ringo's sisters are in camp now. She's very worried- both about them directly and about what this might mean for the uneasy truce the stormriders have going on. HAS STEPPED UP HER STALKING, PROBABLY.
OOC: Sometimes I feel I'm not doing enough with Ringo still, but I'm really trying to get her out in non-AT dominated places. Also, CANON IS AMAZING, I JUST HAVE TO SAY.
Dropping: 2/10. I still love her dearly.
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: I DON'T HAVE ONE STFU. barring a massive Air Gear drop, which... would effect her chances, yes. 7/10.
Plans: I NEED TO THREAD WITH MY BOSS. c-cheerleading?

☣ Hali
IC: Hali still hasn't gotten over enjoying camp. She has Hajun, her career isn't on hold, she doesn't have to crossdress, people like her more... life is good.
OOC: She's not quite the primary she was, but I still love Hali. She is like a female Rikuou, which sometimes causes problems because I throw him at more things than her, but on the other hand it means she is always easy to play. And I really like her social circle in camp, maybe best of all my characters.
Dropping: 1/10
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: 6/10, but just because she'd be so pissy.
Plans: TALK TO GEORGE ABOUT THAT DROPPED PLOT. that one thread with Hajun >> camp-enforced crossdressing. actually DO study stuff with Maora.

☣ Bela
IC: Ohhh Bela is... special. The first thing is that she doesn't believe she can ever leave camp, and talks with The Devil only compounded that. And to be honest, while she's trying to reconcile herself to that, the truth is the only thing Bela really likes about camp is that it is not hell. She does have a small group of people she likes, but there's nothing to DO besides get up in their business. At the same time, she's always on her good behavior, because becoming a pariah in a place you can't leave is not such a good idea. She's not stealing from people for much the same reason, on top of which she wouldn't have a way to fence anything she got ANYWAY. It's all pretty depressing for her.
OOC: ...and kind of depressing for me too. I LOVE BELA. She's hot and bitchy and competent and tons of fun in canon... but not in camp. Talking with Sam has helped me get over the worry that the fact that she isn't means I must be playing her wrong... and I do think the choices she's making make sense in the context of camp. But while she's had some threads I've really enjoyed, overall I just don't know what to do with her. And unless I can fix that, I should probably just ax her soon.
Dropping: 8/10
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: ...she doesn't have any.
Plans: ...

☣ Rakan
IC: So what happens when you spend the better part of a month thinking that you like your soulmate and closest companion LIKE THAT and really enjoying the closeness and stability it brought you-- and then it turns out it was all a mistake because of a little mistletoe? No, really, what do you even DO? Rakan has no idea! ---outside of all his confusion over Chigusa right now, Rakan is actually really happy. He's watching over the onsen inn, which gives him plenty of housework to do, he has friends he likes and people he wants to help, and he doesn't think time is moving outside, so while he misses the rest of his group he's not frantic to leave yet. He's just.... orz so confused.
OOC: I am deeply pleased with myself for having kept Rakan away from anything that might have tipped him off to what mistletoe does until the last day of July. But like I said, that aside! Rakan is so wonderfully open and friendly and just a joy for me to play. If I could only keep one character I would WITHOUT QUESTION pick him, even though it's early days still for many of his relationships, because he's got such great potential and I'm never tired of him. ALSO I WANT THE REST OF MY CAST VERY MUCH.
Dropping: 0/10
BUT WHAT IF YOUR PARTNER DROPPED WHAT THEN??: ...Chigusa is not allowed to drop. It is that simple.
Plans: Onsen Inn post, threading more with Lab and Teito (and Mikage but that's never really a problem), find Ivy outside of the dreamworld sometime...

☣ Yoi-te
IC: Yoi-te doesn't know how to cope with camp at all. He's in a new place where time doesn't exist, which means that a lot of the fear and urgency that's been ruling his life could... theoretically be put on hold. Miharu doesn't have to master the shinrabanshou yet, they don't have to run to Banten, HE'S NOT DEAD YET, no one is trying to catch up to them- even the people from his world, who should be.

The problem with this is that this generates a lot of confusion. What is he supposed to do with himself, if not work directly on his only goal? If it wasn't for what Miharu seems to want, Yoi-te would probably go and sit at the barrier until it let him out again. But until he can disappear, Yoi-te needs (wants) to be with Miharu more than anything else. Joshua also raised some major guilt on that point, but not enough to change anything.

He's also... kind of aware that they're already running dangerously close to upsetting his 'I don't have a life because no one cares about me' worldview. Which is just awkward and... makes him happy? But eh. There are plenty of OTHER identity issues, this doesn't change his mind about his not being anything and needing to disappear. And someday Miharu will forget him and be happier. So that's alright.

Then there's the fact that other people actually already know Yoi-te here, and in some cases seem to care about what happens to him. He's writing as much of that as he can off as people liking Miharu, and the rest of it is just plain a bad idea. But he doesn't like that he has a bigger footprint here, for lack of a better term. Yoi-te doesn't want to be memorable, or befriended. He doesn't particularly want kindness (yes he does) though he is topped by it. It's better for people not to know him, and it's easier for him not to know people. He honestly wishes that no one BUT Miharu had remembered anything, so he could be closer to disappearing.

.......man I really should have made this a separate essay LONG STORY SHORT camp already makes Yoi-te happy and sad, comfortable and uncomfortable, and he's barely been in it at all.

OOC: HAVE I MENTIONED THAT I LOVE YOI-TE? IS IT OBVIOUS, PERHAPS? dskljdsssseriously I am so happy to be playing him, even though he has ALL THESE ISSUES and they are RIGHT THERE making me ESSAY WHEN I DON'T MEAN TO--- yeah actually that's a plus. Yoi-te is everything my little partnersexual existential angstkitten deathgod loving heart could possibly desire. He's not... easy for me to play yet. I have to make sure that I always remember his fucked up motivations, I've never played a reapp of someone else's character before, and I'm stepping into an established cast for the first time in quite a while. I AM STILL A LITTLE NERVOUS. But also in love with him. I WILL MAKE THIS WORK.

(also Miharu has been amazing to me. ♥ ♥ ♥)

Dropping: 0/10 MY COLD DEAD HANDS


Plans: ... follow Miharu and Yukimi around like an emo puppy. Hope that other people don't mind the endless dotting too much. ...actually ask Miharu if he wants to stay here.

☣ In Conclusion . . .
Except for Bela, I have the most stable (if partnersexual) group of characters ever.


meme, ooc, essay

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