
Aug 03, 2009 23:37

Age: 16
Height: 180cm
Weight: 53kg (for the record, this is at least 20-40 pounds underweight)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown/Black

Medical Info: HAHA. Yoi-te is falling apart (quite literally!) The "kira" technique that he uses is slowly draining his life away. Some of the results are... not particularly scientific, but I'll list them anyway. He is losing his senses. At the point where I'm pulling him from his sense of taste is completely gone, his hearing is very bad. He's gotten pretty good at reading lips, but his eyesight intermittently dims or blanks out, so sometimes the only recourse is shouting. He takes medicine for his heart and coughs up blood... pretty frequently. And his skin is blackened. in patches on his hands, arms, chest and back. They're also spreading. I'm not sure if they're bruises or sort of... charred dead skin, or what. Probably a little of both [given that his foot eventually crumbles up, charred seems like a good description.] See icon.
Physical traits: Aside from the above, he's also got a long scar on his neck. [Is biologically both male and female.]

What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Again, haha. Just bringing Yoi-te back to camp is going to be interesting in this regard. If you had memories of the previous Yoi-te and lost/regained them, FEEL FREE TO BRING THAT UP. Please don't tell him he's fictional.

Abilities: Yoi-te's attack technique, "kira," involves shooting a piece of his own lifeforce into his enemies and then ripping it out again. It's usually fatal, although he can just inflict small damages.... like blowing your hand apart. Yeah. He's also pretty good at hand-to-hand fighting, as long as his remaining senses are fuctioning.

Notes for the Psychics/Magically or Spiritually sensitive: Yoi-te's head is a confused place, full of existential emo. And also Miharu.

Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: please get in touch with me first
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: he'll likely snap at you. unless you top him. THIS IS VERY DOABLE.
Maim/Murder/Death: is a bad idea unless you've talked to me AND Miharu first
Cooking: ...maybe a little? He wouldn't bother if Miharu or Yukimi weren't topping him though.

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