Sep 19, 2008 22:36
Things are
I'm sans power
I'm sans hope
I'm sans many a thing
There really isnt a reason to read this anymore just like there isnt a reason to write in it.
Of all the bad choices and mistakes I have made, I myself might be the most disruptful person in my life.
I miss Jessica so much and I have nothing to think about but all the mistakes I've made, the things that might have happened while we were together, what she might have wanted for a long time while she was with me.
I'm getting more and more used to this but I am also falling apart in terms of hope and my future.
I miss what I had. I hate my life without what I had.
If it weren't for my friends, I would have done something stupid a long time ago, and even my friends are starting to think I'm a pathetic, broken asshole.
I don't want to be here. I don't want to be me. I want to vanish and be replaced by someone who is better and who deserves the things he wants out of life.