Jaye's review for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Jul 20, 2005 09:06

Good morning everyone, here is my review for a remake of a classic
kiddie movie...

I loved the 1st flick, I know Roald Dahl did not approve of it, but
millions of children such as myself did. When I 1st saw pictures for the film, I did not think they needed to remake the film, but as time went by, when I saw the trailer and saw Depps face with this very eerie smile on his face, that had me more interested. But I went and saw it at the VERY busy theater, there was no parking ANYWHERE!! We parked about a block away.
Johnny Depp totally makes this film! Depp is the ultimate person on
the film, he was so creepy/weird/sad it was AWESOMELY HILARIOUS! I
loved Willy Wonka. They set the film up a bit differently from the
original, its a lot of flashbacks and more defined about the family and trying to tell who Charlie is and to establish his huge heart. The kid works, he reminds me of the boy from James & the Giant Peach (another Burton vehicle) he's not overly impressive, but he gives you a good feeling when watching, it establishes the child at heart with him. I enjoyed everyone on the screen, they are definitely Burton creepy, especially the German kid, he looks like Hansel, its a bit disgusting but funny at the same time. Veruca Salt (Prissy rich girl), hmmm, I wished more from her in the film, she reminded me of the original Veruca Salt in the 1st version, I just wanted more, but didn't get it. Chewing gum girl, she was ok, her mother was annoying and weird, she reminded me of the role that she played on Galaxy Quest. Gaming kid, bleh, he was non existent in the film, I did not care, he was not as good as the cowboy TV kid in the original.
The Oompa Loompas? Weird, weird, weird, but funny. They all look the
same, its funny, I hate that they wear this spacesuit type fabric
throughout the film, the songs are weird this time around, at the end of the film, all lyrics for the songs are written by Roald Dahl so it was meant to be that way. The last Oompa Loompa song was ULTIMATE, I loved it. I laughed so hard I almost crapped myself. The female Oompa Loompa......SCARY!
Danny Elfman has put himself out there again and made an excellent
composition. Its very defined and nice to listen to. He even did the
songs for the Oompa Loompas. I enjoyed it very much, he is a talented
composer, thank god for Oingo Boingo! or there perhaps never would have been Danny Elfman the composer.
This movie has several memorable moments in it. Mostly with Depp with his one liners. The squirrels are hilarious, Depp dancing to the Loompa songs, how he found the Loompas. my 2 favorite moments was the final Loompa song, and the entrance to the Wonka factory.
The effects in this film are good, not great. I suppose that Burtons
feelings on effects are still the same, because they still sometimes
look cheesy, like Plan 9 from Outerspace cheesy. But for this film, I
would say that it makes it perfect. Sometimes the effects need to be
cheesy, and he does it properly. Kudos on the miniature boat in the tub of water, fake looking, but still great to see.
Charlie & the Chocolate Factory is more lighthearted than dark. It is a kidlike film, but even adults can enjoy this, but make sure you throw half of reality out the window because it sets itself up for a somwhat realistic film, then stretches itself out like some Saltwater Taffy. But I still felt it was a good film, Burton is a good filmaker, he almost gives a feeling of a classic film. The story is told well, and you can tell Burton put a lot of heart into this film. Its not the greatest Burton film, but a well rounded one that people should experience at least once.
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