Pointless pointless update

Oct 03, 2005 12:16

Gah, school stresses me out. I feel like all I have to do is busy work this year. I am learning lots in my classes, but then we have silly assignments to do that don't seem to serve any purpose in what we are doing. Ah well, that is school anywhere I would assume.

Yoga is a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. We have been doing it everyday in voice and movement and really studying breathing. It is really interesting to learn about, but difficult to do. Speaking of breathing, I am learning a lot in my voice lessons this year. I have Grace Mannion instead of Karen Wicklund and she is awesome. She knows so much about technique and things I have been having problems with. I am excited to delve more into lessons.

Wow, this journal is turning into my voice and movement journal. Which I stayed up till 2 working on and it wasn't even due today. Ah well, at least I have it done.

Gull Lake continues to go well. Another fun weekend with it. My parents came, along w/ the Fletcher's. It was so nice to see all of them. They all seemed to enjoy it. My favorite quote was by my dad after who knows how many drinks:

"I just love the tap dancing, it's my favorite...it includes rhythm and all that stuff. It's so cool!"

Haha, I love it when my dad gets so excited over little things, even if he is a little tipsy.

Well this entry has been completely pointless, but at least I had the motivation to update, right? Now I must read for musical theatre history...what a boring class. I hope it starts to get more interesting...I am sure it will. Later!
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