And I'm Already Missing Summer...

Oct 27, 2013 16:51

Even though I've been off, I continue to struggle with my feelings surrounding work. I thought with being off that I could avoid thinking or talking about what's going on there, but that's been impossible. Between people calling and asking me about what's going on (not that I mind answering, don't get me wrong) and my brain being unable to stop analyzing every detail, it's inescapable. *le sigh*

I had a great experience on Friday. I got in touch with a UK not-for-profit called Do the Green Thing about their project called Glove Love. The idea is this: donated and found single gloves are submitted to be matched up with other single gloves and, voila!, you got yourself a new pair of gloves. Reducing unnecessary items going to the trash and reusing items that are still perfectly good for use. I thought this project was amazing and I'd like to bring it to Winnipeg. All too often, people steal other people's ideas online, especially if they're in another country, and try to pass the idea off as their own. I didn't want to do that and I wanted to talk to Do the Green Thing about this. We had an excellent chat and it looks like I'll be doing a local branch of Glove Love! Stoked! There are a few details we need to work out (like if I'll be taking care of all the North Americans who want to buy gloves - EEK!), but I'm really excited. This is the most positively productive I've felt in what seems like a long time. So for now, I'm asking people to donate their gloves/mittens to me and I've already made arrangements with Transit's lost and found and got in touch with a couple of the local shopping malls, too. I'm going to ask a few other places what they do with their lost and found gloves/mittens that aren't claimed and see if I can take them off their hands, so to speak.

Funny enough, after we finished our chat, the mail person delivered the pair of Glove Love that I ordered for myself. Talk about perfect timing!

Oh, I tried upcycling a sweater to a sweater dress. It turned out...okay. It was a good reminder of one thing I don't like about sweater dresses: I think they make me look lumpy. Blah.

My second ukulele lesson today went really well. I showed my teacher that I learned how to play the opening tabs to Redemption Song by Bob Marley. We then analyzed the song and the whole lesson was breaking the song down so I can learn to play it. That's my homework this week and I'm very happy about that. I thought maybe he would want to stick to a lesson plan, but he said this was totally okay and it made learning for me fun. That's what matters. If I'm having fun, I'm going to want to stick to it.

I so miss warm weather already :(

I think it's time to do some yoga. It's been far too long and my body aches all over from carrying around so much stress and uncertainty. Time to try and stretch at least some of it out. I bet tears will flow and that's okay. If they need to come out, they should be released.

awesome, positive, upcycling, work, music, weather, volunteer, yoga, sewing

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