I'll Play Your Favourite Song, Darling...

Jul 07, 2013 18:11

How in the world has it been so long since I blogged? Mios dios.

Andrew's been gone last weekend and again this weekend. I've quite enjoyed my solitude. In fact, it was an adjustment for me when he came back because I had enjoyed being alone so much. Hahahahahaha!

We decided we'd start caring about what our yard looks like. Last month, we started cutting off dead branches from all our trees and shrubs. I had to do some more last weekend, in fact, as our apple tree suffered some rot. We have flower beds in the front and back of our house, but we never did anything with them. Perennials like daisies, tulips, and lilies had been planted in random patches with big gaps of nothing in between before we moved in. Since we didn't care about the majority of them, weeds took over. If the perennials had been spread out more and intermingled, I'd probably have liked them. After having lunch with my friend, Amanda, last weekend, I decided to tackle the flower beds. I ripped out all the weeds and 99% of the perennials - the only ones remaining are tiger lilies because we both like them and they are placed in such a way as to break things up nicely. I then covered everything with black mulch and placed 2 containers overflowing with flowers in front of the windows at the front of the house. They look wonderful! The great thing with starting gardening so late in the season is I got all the plants on sale. In the back, we got 2 lovely pre-made flower containers to go on each side of the door. I then filled 2 recycling blue bins with soil and planted perennial herbs and a couple of vines and flowers in them. I have to say it all looks beautiful. Everything is much cleaner and tidier. Andrew got solar lights and placed them around each container and a few here and there. We'll likely do more next year. For now, this is lovely considering it was done fairly spur of the moment.

Oh, my strawberry and raspberry shrubs are doing really well. The grackles seem to be leaving them alone since I put a garden gnome next to them and Andrew put a solar light next to him.

Romeo got groomed last week. His groomer is beyond awesome. We used to work together. Anyway, she put a blue feather extension amongst his long ear hair to match my hair! It's so freaking cute!

I went to a friend's birthday bonfire last night. It was quite nice. I have to admit, this group of friends, I feel slightly...inadequate around. They're brilliant and creative and can articulate their brilliant, creative thoughts right on the spot whereas I'm the type that can do that in writing, where I can take my time to gather my thoughts. So because I was feeling slightly inadequate, I was having negative self-conversation about my inadequacy. Not a great feeling to be having at a shindig. Ah well.

dogs, garden

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