2 weeks since a post?! Unacceptable and inexcusable. My apologies.
It is windy and rainy like a mofo. This has been going on for days. The plus, I have to stay indoors anyway to do mass house cleaning. The downside is I think I can hear rainwater dripping in the hole the woodpecker made in the siding. Son of a bitch. Or maybe it's just something tapping because it's somewhat consistently rhythmic. We would have covered the hole once the weather got nicer...but I think some birds have now made a nest in there. We're not comfortable killing baby birds. We'll look at covering it mid-summer when any babies should be well on their way. Or, better yet, we really ought to just replace the shitty timber siding with vinyl. Not that we have money for that, but it'd be better to do that than have some sort of extensive damage from having these holes. My research says light coloured vinyl deters woodpeckers (it's currently dark reddish-brown timber - ugh).
My scooter is up and running! I drove it all last week and once the week prior. It's been great! *knock on wood* I charged the battery, popped it in, and it started fairly easily. The odd thing is it much prefers to be started with the kickstart as opposed to the start button on the handle. Weird. This started last year so it wasn't a huge shock or anything. Driving in the rain on Friday was actually okay. The air smells so much better during rush hour traffic if it's raining. I normally breathe in a ton of exhaust so the rain clears that up.
I got my hair touched-up on Saturday. I didn't go majority blue like I've been toying with. The reason being is that I like being blonde. Normally when I really change my colour is because I'm bored of it. Still digging the blonde. So, now that my hair has length to it, the underneath layers are 3 shades of blue (turquoise, Atlantic blue, and lagoon blue in Jerome Russell Punky Color). The blonde layers over it nicely while the blue still peeks through and is even more noticeable when I have pigtails in. Oh, my bangs were my natural colour (dark brown), but I grew bored of that so they're now blonde. I'm considering dyeing the tips blue.
I had a very long but incredibly fun day of fashion modelling yesterday. If it wasn't so fun and if I didn't like everyone there, I probably would have been like, "I'm done," by early afternoon. *lol* It was a full day from 10:30 to just after 5:00. But I adore everyone who was involved and it was so, so much fun that time just flew by. The clothes were for a local designer,
Maton Design, who focuses on upcycling. All the clothes were beautiful and I wish I could have stolen a dress I modelled. *lol* However, I did get an awesome set that I'm excited about. For those who don't know, when you have really small tits, it's basically impossible to find cute matching bra and panty sets. I have never found this. It seems cute matching bra and panty sets are for B to D cups. So, this designer made a leopard print set with the panties being boy-cut shorts. SQUEE! I was SO excited when I saw this and insisted that I'd be leaving with it, which I did. So, so happy about this! I have an urge to just walk around in public wearing nothing but this set.
We're having the ducts cleaned tomorrow then taking the dogs to their annual vet appointment, get their vaccines and heartworm pills. We're taking them to a new vet. While we really liked our vet and she was incredible with us when Romeo had his paralysis, they seem to charge more than the average vet and it could be because of the neighbourhood they're in (i.e. rich part of town). She has tried to gouge us for money and last year I was really mad when she suggested we switch Mia to shitty quality, expensive food because it was sold through their clinic. We've heard really good things about this new vet and that the prices are more reasonable. We shall see!