I Wanna Watch You Bleed...

Oct 29, 2012 18:16

I went to visit my Naturopath last week. I've been having some problems with my endometriosis, namely my period has been getting longer and longer (as in 10+ days) over the course of several months. Annoying, right? Thankfully, I'm not gushing that whole time, but a week or more of trickling followed by "real" period is still very annoying. I've been lucky in that the intense cramps and pains I had pre-tube tying/going off the pill have not arisen. *knock on wood*

So my Naturopath said, "I seem to recall that your uterus was tilted." I said yes, during my first lasering my gyno found my uterus had been tilted forward and one ovary had fused to the uterus thanks to the endometriosis. He lasered all that craziness off and put my uterus back to where it should be. When he did surgery last year (no lasering), he said there was more endometriosis build up again so he wouldn't be opposed to doing more lasering in the future if it becomes problematic for me. My Naturopath said that what likely is happening here is my uterus is tilted again, thus all the blood can't flow out at a normal pace and instead trickles. Totally makes sense when you think about it.

Her other suggestion was my hormones could be out of balance. With having endometriosis, that is also a high probability. However, I've been feeling immensely better all around since being off the pill since January 2011. Likely, the artificial hormones were making my own hormones heightened and worse off. I've also been doing her supplement regime to naturally balance estrogen, etc.

Her suggestions were:

(a) Try visceral massage or Bowen Therapy treatments in hopes of moving my uterus back to where it should be.

(b) Do thorough hormone testing. I would get a kit and do saliva tests every second day for a month to see how everything is through an entire cycle. However, this is quite costly (almost $400) and not covered via MB Health or my health insurance.

I'm considering (a). I know nothing of Bowen Therapy (Naturopath does it), but my massage therapist told me she's heard it's awesome. If nothing else, I could go back to my gyno and talk to him about what's going on and see what he has to say that doesn't involve going back on the pill because that is out of the question. If it means having lasering done again, I'm fine with that and I knew the first time around that it's something that may be done every few years.

Andrew's response to me telling him what my Naturopath had to say? "Sounds like witchcraft to me." Oh, silly.

health, natural, period, endometriosis

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