Well, I Love You So Dearly...

May 12, 2012 12:49

My hair saga continues. Such is the nature of re-growing hair, ne pas?

Despite my numerous DIY attempts (using shampoos that usually strip punky colours, OxyClean stain remover, Gal Friday stain remover) to try and strip the pink, blue, and purple from my hair, they still remain and have only faded a bit. I'm surprised at how the purple is the most stubborn colour, even more than the blue. I suspect that's because the repeated bleaching for the competition made my hair super duper porous and thus it's unbearably holding on to these colours I don't want. So, I've more or less given up on the DIY approach and instead will just wait as in about 3+ weeks or so I'll need my roots bleached/touched-up anyway so at that time I'll have the punky colours removed. My plan is to have 2 different blonde tones added to my hair for variation instead of just one solid blonde. My hair is less platinum looking since the competition, which is nice. I may or may not add a strip of turquoise...maybe I won't for the time being.

As you may remember, when I was growing my hair pre-competition, my plan was to grow it out then get it cut to a long-ish mohawk. As it is right now, I tend to style my hair in a faux-hawk fashion because I don't like how it looks when it's just down. I'll leave it down from time-to-time if I'm a bit lazy, but on those days I really don't feel comfortable/confident with how my hair looks. I think it reminds me a bit of a very short pageboy type haircut. So! My current plan is when I get my roots done I'll have the sides of my hair trimmed shorter and basically grow my hair as a mohawk style. Right now, it's about 2" at the sides. I won't have the sides shaved, but at least get it shorter so it looks more like a mohawk and won't be puffing out. I know some people hate growing out the sides if they change their minds later, but I find growing everything else more annoying/tedious than growing the sides.

Speaking of hair, but now of a different variety, I think I want to get a brazilian sugaring done. I had a brazilian waxing done a few years ago and it was horrible because there were so many ingrown and infected hairs almost immediately afterwards. Not sexy at all. I've been told by a few people that sugaring is way better than waxing so, let the body hair growth and itching begin! *lol*


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