Come From The Land Of The Ice And Snow...

Jan 22, 2012 12:43


So last Saturday, I went out with Andrew and family/friends for erotic bingo and glow bowling to celebrate my birthday. I won a gigantic glow in the dark penis water bottle and my cousin won a cock ring at bingo. *lol* Even Andrew had to admit he had fun at bingo. Then glow bowling, I actually won the first game! That has never, ever happened before in my life. I'm normally a terrible bowler, yet I was the first person to get a strike. Yay! Then I got too cocky, namely waving my giant cock water bottle in Andrew's face and telling him to suck it, so Andrew won the second game. *lol* All in all, a very awesome, super fun time and thank you again to everyone who came out. :) Afterward, Andrew said to me, "Did you have fun tonight?" I said yeah, it was great. His response was, "Good, because that's your last birthday party." :-/??? Hahaha! I was like, " this when you kill me?" He was like, "Right, that was a bit ominous. I meant that you're a big girl now and you don't need to have birthday parties anymore." I told him to fuck off 'cause that's not happening.

Thursday was my last day at the law firm. On Monday, they got me a bouquet of flowers for my "birthday/going away". On Wednesday, I started training my replacement. I hope she works out, but I can tell you she types very slowly compared to me and boss-man was getting mad. Not my problem! So I did practically nothing on Wednesday and Thursday except training. A couple of clients knew I was leaving and they wished me well. In fact, one of them asked that I keep her e-mail address so we can stay in touch which was very sweet of her and I certainly will. It was very clear when I was leaving on Thursday that I won't be missed by most people working at the firm which is fine. Boss-man left early and I asked, "Do I get hugs?" So he gave me a big hug and told me I "did great". That was a bit sad for me because I will miss not seeing him everyday though we do intend on staying in touch via phone, e-mail, and going out for lunches. I'm going to miss his wife as well since she and I talked on the phone so often, but, same thing, I'm going to stay in touch with her as she's an awesome person. Boss-lady and I did our goodbye hugs at the end of the day and my poor associate cried and cried which then almost made me cry (I swore to myself I wouldn't). I hugged her and told her it would be alright because it's not goodbye, just "see ya later" as we'll definitely stay in touch and still see each other...just not everyday. She gave me a lovely card signed by everyone and she, boss-man, and boss-lady wrote really nice, heartfelt messages in it.

It only really started sinking in on Friday and slowly over the weekend that, "Holy fuck...I quit the job I've had for nearly 6 years and I'm starting all over again in a new field. What the fuck am I doing?!" I'm reminding myself that this anxiety is normal and that it's nothing to get too worked up about. I am a competent, capable person and I can handle this transition. I may need to say that as a mantra to myself all day.

Last night, Andrew and I went and saw the American version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I've seen the whole Swedish Millennium trilogy, but not Andrew as he doesn't like movies with subtitles. Anyway, I think the American version was just as good at the Swedish one. In fact, one part I liked more was that the American ending had a bit more explanation to it than the Swedish one. I had a huge WTF moment at the beginning of the movie when they were rolling the credits and playing some fucked up music video - totally wasn't expected, though the Karen O, Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross version of Immigrant Song was fantastic. Funny enough, I've been told repeatedly that I look a lot like the actress and even funnier is that boss-man had read all the books (never saw the Swedish films) last year and told me that I remind him of Lisabeth Salander. *lol*

I hate going to the movie theatre. I really do. I made the exception last night, but I fucking hate it. The seats are not comfortable for me as the bump headrest that's to go on your neck sits at the back of my head as I'm short. Add to it people with their smelly colognes/perfumes and I seem to always have some cunt behind me who repeatedly taps/kicks/uses my seat as a foot rest. And people with their fucking chatting and giggling! This film is not a comedy, assholes.

Second and third books of 2012 completed are The Walking Dead Books 4 and 5 of the hardcover editions. Book 4 - shocking. Book 5 - love the new characters introduced, though Rosita doesn't seem to have much substance. My one beef I have with the books as they've gone on: How the hell is it that a year after the start of the zombie apocalypse, Dale is still fat and may even be fatter? I realize the survivors are still eating, but I doubt they're eating that well to maintain an overweight body or contribute to it. Shoulda drawn him a bit thinner after that much time, guys.

Likelihood of me recommending these books to anyone (out of 5) - 5. If you are a zombie and/or horror fan, read this graphic novel series. In fact, as the story goes on, the zombie aspect of it is just the background; most of the story is about people struggling to survive and just how far will people go in the face of adversity, fear, and panic.

awesome, books, review, work, movies, rant

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