Hark Now Hear...

Dec 16, 2011 17:06

I took Wednesday afternoon off. I had half a holiday left for the year so I figured that was as good a time as any. Anyway, I spent the afternoon at Osborne House. The plan was for me to read to the kids there and spend some time with them. They're in a tough, confusing situation so they really enjoy having some extra attention by someone new. After that, I would spend some time with my friend, Barb (the CEO), to discuss my school assignment.

As my friends can attest, I'm not the biggest fan of kids. They make me really nervous. This was no exception. I was incredibly nervous. "What if they don't like how I read to them? What if they just don't like me being there?" Needless to say, neither was the situation. I read them a story (Jingle Cat) and the kids got into it. The second book, the older kids decided to read to us. This one little boy (he was probably about 5 or so) just wanted me to cuddle him for awhile then he wanted to give stickers to everyone. A little girl (probably about 7 or so) wanted me to read to just her so we cuddled up on the couch and I read her a story. Another little girl, I'm guessing about the same age, wanted to sit on the same chair as me so she could read to me. I realized partway through that she wasn't reading the story at all. *lol* She was flipping the pages and just making up a story! It was believable enough as I didn't catch on right away. Their mothers seemed to enjoy it as well, seeing their kids having fun and someone spending some time with them. It really was awesome and very touching for me. This is something I definitely want to do again, without a doubt.

After that, Barb and I chatted the whole afternoon about how things were at the shelter, the challenges they face, etc. As it turns out, I might be joining their Board. :) I'm excited to get more involved with Osborne House.

Now I just have to finish my first school assignment and turn it in hopefully over the weekend. I finished my first school assignment. Woo! Hopefully I get a good grade.

I'm having a helluva time trying to find one last Xmas gift. Gah! Just have to get gift cards for my niece and nephew and I'm done Xmas shopping. Hooray!

awesome, books, volunteer, school

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