Baby, I Was Born To Be Brave!...

Nov 01, 2011 20:41

Enough with wanting to learn. It's time for action, damn it. And with that gumption, I signed up for distance education. I've only signed up for one course thus far because I'm nervous. *lol* I start the Recruitment and Marketing course next month in hopes of getting my certificate in Volunteer Management through Red River College.

And just for fun, I want to learn Reiki at some point hopefully within the next 6 months.

Time for setting goals. Time to look forward. Time to learn things I want to learn. If this course through RRC doesn't work out, well, c'est la vie. There are other courses there that interest me and I could take them. Volunteer Management really tickled my fancy though.

And speaking of setting goals, while I still want to go to that hostel in Jamaica, I may put that one on the back burner for awhile yet. I told Andrew that for my 29th or 30th birthday (birth year since I probably won't want to travel in winter) I would like us to travel to Amsterdam and stay in the amazing looking Cocomama hostel. It used to be a brothel so it's obviously up my alley. I'm really looking forward to getting there. That's what I want.

Affirm and manifest, Holly. Keep your chin up and fuck the rest. It's thrill or be thrilled, baby.

This one’s for the number geeks. It’s 11/1/11 today, and an auspicious date, according to numerologists.

“Numero Uno symbolises success. Primarily, the Number One deals with strong will, positivity and pure energy,” says a Delhi-based numbers expert. “It reflects new beginnings, and purity. The symbolic meaning of Number One is further clarified when we understand One represents both kinds of action: physical and mental. And when you have a number of ones in a row, it symbolises even greater success,” he says, adding that it’s the sort of date that can make dreams come true. “Make a wish today, and make sure it’s a noble one - the higher cosmos is aligning itself to ensure that it comes true,” he says. “One encourages us our action will be rewarded in kind.” Link (yes, I tinkered with the quotes to fit it better on here, haha)

awesome, spiritual, vacation, quotes, school, goals

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