Born To Be...Mild?

Jun 22, 2011 13:06

So, Starscream (scooter) stalled on Monday morning on the way to work. *sigh* There was no sputtering or anything beforehand. I was at a red light and it just flat out stalled and wouldn't restart. Awesome. So I pushed it into the Blockbuster parking lot, got it going again, but it was crawling when it should have been going 30km at the very least. I called CAA to tow it at which time I found out I had to upgrade my basic membership. That was fine as it was only like $18.99 and, with having a scooter, I'd need it anyway. Tow truck showed up within half an hour and during that time I got it going again, but I didn't trust it to get me home or to work. We towed it to my sister's place as my brother in-law is a small engine mechanic and has worked on Starscream before.

Yesterday, Thundercracker (car) nearly stalled (yet again), but at least it was a block from home. I managed to barely prevent the stall and get it home. Oh, and the blinkers stopped working yesterday. *sigh*

I tell you, the joys of having vehicles. When they work, it's fantastic. When they don't, it sucks donkey balls. This has made me consider selling my Supercycle cruiser for a reliable commuter bike. It would be a helluva commute between work and home; if I would take Google Map's suggestion, it would be about 16.8kms one way (aka 58 mins according to GM). It would be a great way to get in some exercise, even if I only use it for the commute once or twice a week. I checked out a Norco bike I was interested in yesterday, but it's actually a bit heavy for such a commute. The girl at the shop showed me a different one and it's amazing how much lighter it is. The thin commuter tires would be something to get the hang of because I'm used to thick bike tires. I'm going to continue researching before deciding anything. Oh, the shop I went to yesterday was Woodcock's *giggle* after checking out Gord's the day before. While both shops were very helpful, nice, and informative to someone like me who knows basically nothing about serious bikes, the guy at Gord's immediately started showing me the really expensive bikes (first one was a $1,000 bike and then a $650 one) whereas the girl at Woodcock's *giggle* asked what my price range was and we went from there.

scooter, bicycle, car, family

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