I kind of wish I had weighed myself before I started working out, and also taken a "before" pic. I have a good idea of how much I weighed at the end of October based on how I was feeling and the way my clothes have felt. I was pleased when I stepped on the scale for the first time last week and imagine my delight when I stepped on it this morning to find I lost another 5 lbs. Woot! Now to put on muscle mass. I've continued going to the gym every morning roughly around 7 a.m. I do 10 mins on the stepper (increasing the resistance) and then use the weight machines that my trainer showed me and other ones that I feel like trying out. I'm now able to squeeze 110 lbs easily with my thighs (adduction machine, right?) which is what I had trouble with on Friday when my trainer got me to do it. Oddly enough, I'm now having trouble pushing 105 lbs to the sides with my thighs (abduction machine?) which was not the case last week. I wanted to go to classes in the evenings as well to stay on top of my cardio, but I haven't gone to any and likely won't this week except for Body Flow on Friday (I plan on skipping Friday a.m. workout). Must keep up the cardio as well!
And, yes, I'm aware that anybody reading my blog is likely sick of reading about my workouts/progress. TFB! ;)
I forgot my Foxy Monster Bear Hood at home and today was not the day to forget as there's a ton of snow falling. Silly me. :(
I'm really into
Meditation Oasis podcasts on iTunes. Granted, I usually fall asleep before it's through, but it's such a peaceful, easy rest that I can't resist, even if I'm not getting the full meditation benefit from dozing off. I suppose I could try doing them sitting up, but I like to lie down and be comfy and let the sleep happen if it does. No point in fighting it.
We're doing a hamper for the
Christmas Cheer Board at work and I think it's such a great idea. Despite the issues many of us have, we should be thankful that we have food to eat, shelter, and access to the internet to read this blog. ;) This time of year is hard on most people financially, but consider donating to an organization if you can. Heck, maybe even do up your own hamper for the Christmas Cheer Board. After all, they take hampers for single people and for families.