When I bought my house I had a glorious tree in front. One morning about two years ago, I came home from work to find that they had cut it down without telling me. In retrospect, that was probably a good thing, seeing as it was a cotton wood tree, and I am extremely allergic to cottonwoods.
However, they left the stump, an egregious blight on my front yard. For two years, I wrote letters to my HOA (who manages the exterior of my house, and the grounds. FINALLY, whithout word from the HOA, I awoke to the loud mechanical sounds of the heavy machinery ripping out the stump. Ah, stump removed. Problem solved? Not quite.
After the removal of the stump, they left the ground as it was - an unattractive waste of a 12x6 area, full of dirt and roots with spotty patches of crab grass. Recommense angry letter writing. Seeing as I pay my HOA fees on time EVERY month, I would expect to have some semblance of a good relationship with my HOA. Alas, no. Finally, I took matters into my own hands, and wrote them a letter informing them on what I would be doing to the front yard, which would require no work on their part. Of course that was immediately approved.
I still need to spread some red mulch around the roses, and then my neighbor has grass seed that he's going to plant on what's left of the area. It looks so much better though! It was a pain in the arse to plant them, because they did a half assed job of removing the stump, and there is still a massive amount of wood underneath the dirt. Le sigh.