I have a 30 gallon aquarium. Over the last 2 years I've become progressivly more into the hobby, and have upgraded from a 10 gallon take with a 10 gallon filter (filters 10 gallons/hour) to a 30 gallon tank that filters 70 gallons and hour. Just for shits and giggles I thought I would post my fishies. Only one of them has a name. Apparently, I named them all when I was drunk once, but I only remember one.
I got 3 new fish today while I was at the pet store getting dog food.
A Terquoise Rainbow Fish
A gold marble anglefish and a black marble angelefish
My Older fish include:
A bristle nose dwarf pleco and a Dwarf Clown Pleco
2 Clown Loaches - mine are about 2 inches each right now, but they grow up to a foot long.
A gold Gourami, and Pearl Gourami (whose name is Ulysses) these pictures do not do them justice - they have these REALLY long whiskers that are SO cool!
One Fancy Guppy who is left over from my 10 gallon tank - he's an ass hole. He chases the other fish and eats their fins.
2 Bleeding Heart Tetra's, 2 Neon Tetras
1 Bosemani Rainbow Fish, 2 Yellow Rainbow fish
2 Rainbow Sharks