Fab Weekend

Mar 29, 2004 19:19

Jim and I had a really great weekend together. On Friday, before we went out, we spent time cuddling on his bed, reconnecting. We usually do that and it is so nice to just shut out the world and concentrate on each other and tune in to each other again after being apart during the workweek. Then we did a couple of errands before going out to our usual Friday night hangout. There is nothing special going on there on Friday nights, we just chill out, have some libations, talk, laugh and indulge in PDAs. The only somewhat bad note that night was that I could NOT get to sleep. I was tossing and turning, and afraid of waking Jim, I ended up sleeping on the couch, finally, around 6:00 a.m.

On Saturday Jim totally indulged me by going first taking me to a pet store so I could pet some puppies that I had no intention of buying and then going to see "Touching the Void." The movie wasn't as good as "Into Thin Air" but it was definitely worth seeing. That evening for dinner we went to our fave Mexican place and had delicious steak tacos, yummers. We were going to out to hear a band but we had an episode in which my purse was lost temporarily (it was at the restaurant it turned out). But with dealing with trying to cancel cards and being rather tired anyway, we decided to just stay in. We had lots of fun anyway. We had more libations in his bar, listened to music, danced, necked and were generally silly. He even played his guitar for me, which I totally LOVE! After snacking on some late night pizza, I went to bed around 3:45 a.m. and went straight to sleep.

Sunday was a lazy day; we slept late then went to a park to see the swans. It was breeding time so the male swan was VERY protective of the female swan. At one point I thought for sure a little girl who got very close to the water's edge was going to be bitten. It was too windy to really enjoy walking around so we went back to the house. Then I asked Jim to give me another lesson in riding his Panda Fun Rider mini trail bike. The first "lesson" consisted of me sitting on the thing and trying and failing to get it started. Jim started her up for me and then I just sat on it without moving. Yesterday, however, somehow I was much braver, or at least more persistent! I was able, after many tries, to get it kick-started. Jim explained all the handles and things and I actually gave it gas and rode it!!! Woo Hah!! I was totally scared but then very proud of myself. I only went about one mph up and down the driveway but, dang it, I had been almost convinced I wouldn’t be able to ride it at all, so even that much seemed like quite a victory. I am hoping that next weekend I will dare to go faster. After this victory we watched TV for a bit and I left around 4:30 to come home.
Besides all the fun activities, the weekend was great because Jim and I really bonded and I feel more confident in our relationship.
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