Jun 10, 2007 05:12
One day I went down to my parents house and let Brad run around. They had a barbecue and it was yummy yummy. I did good all day but the minute I got home.. look out. Maybe I overdid it, I don't know.
Did end up going to Cary ER one night. The entire experience there is so much better. When they triage you they take you into a little room so if you have some embarrassing gross body function going on, you don't have to say it in front of a room full of people. Then straight back to the room. No sitting and waiting and waiting and yeah waiting. The doctor I had told me exactly what tests she was going to have ordered and within two hours we were out of there. We had no diagnosis BUT we had an ultrasound scheduled for the next day. (At which we were able to hear the heartbeat. What a hmm I don't know the word.. it's wonderful, amazing, it's scary. LOL What a moment that is).
Yesterday was pretty bad. I came home from work (which is it's whole entire own subject right now) and read for a while. Finally fell asleep. Richi came by and made me some mac and cheese with hot dogs in it. Ate that and stayed up for a bit because lying down right after eating is bad. Went back to bed and then the stomach pain started again. The only way to squelch it is to keep moving around. Lay on one side for a while then move so I'm sitting up and hunched over, the other side, on the back, walk around the house, back to the bed. Richi came back and rubbed my head and I fell asleep until it was time to get ready for work.
Oh what a subject! I like the work for the most part. I mean, I don't mind it. I can do the duties in the switchboard, crown's fun, lifeline people are great. Phones can be annoying but that's what we're here for. So no biggie. Last week I didn't go in my ER nights. I called the director both nights and told her. We talked and decided to switch my ER nights to Tuesday and Wednesday nights instead to break it up. Well Tuesday night I was in the ER and Wednesday night I called out. Thought I was covered.
Apparently everyone takes it upon themselves to play detective and find out where the "no show" is. Tracy has my phone number. She had it before I gave it to her. She found it in Gail's office. This is a very important peice of information to keep stored away.
So anyway, mom had a message on her answering machine from the ER director. Makes sense, she 'misplaced' my number. Parents probably know how to get in touch with me. Coo beans. But THEN.. THEN.. I called work to talk to her and I get bumped to outpatient somehow. My co worker says, "Is this Mallery?!" Yes. "Where are you?" Home. Talk to Sheila, talk to my boss. Tell my boss I need to cut back to part time or get done. She says first, "Well, I must say it's not safe to have you sitting in that room by yourself all night. Maybe medical leave is what you need." Well, if I'm going on medical leave, I'm just getting done. She hears that and changes her tune to, "You need a doctor's note to cut back to part time. We'll talk Monday or Tuesday." OK psycho cuz I'm not HERE Monday or Tuesday. By the time I come in Tuesday night (which I'm not anymore) she's gone. SOOOO... la ti dah. But wait! it gets better.
My mother's mother calls my mom and says that my coworker in outpatient had called her looking for me. WHOA!!
1) She has no right to call looking for me at all. She is a coworker, not an authority figure.
2) If someone had just stepped into Gail's office, they would have found my cell number.
3) My grandmother?! When mom told me that, we BOTH agreed that thank goodness it was that grandmother and not my paternal one. and
4) Don't call just to be nosy. If you're concerned, fine. Tracy calls every night she's working but not to pry. To see how I'm doing. No, she's not an "authority figure" but she's not trying to be either.
So THEN yesterday morning this co worker is working with me. She asks if I got in trouble which I didn't, so I said no. She says, "Well you must have really kissed ass then." EXCUSE ME? Get the ENTIRE story- she was informed wrong. Someone told her I had NOT called out and therefore missed 4 consecutive nights of work. Nope. Called out, only technically missed 2 in a row, and none of her business!
On a lighter note however, was talking to an OB nurse here about what's going on. Being sick, the pains, and the constant feeling that something's stuck in my throat. She said *crosses fingers* that it sounds like something very typical of hyperemesis in pregnancy. Ready for this? A bacterial infection that's been spreading throughout my digestive system. Bacteria that would have come from so much vomiting and is actually quite concurrent with the meds I was on. She DID however (which is to save her butt and to remind me, without bursting my bubble) tell me she is NOT a doctor and I cannot rely on what she says as a sole source of medical advice.
It's not that I want something wrong- I pray to God at least oh three times a day that this baby will be healthy and strong. That my body is holding enough vitamins and minerals to give the baby what he/she needs. I pray for a 'normal' pregnancy and if I have to be this sick until December for a healthy baby, I will. As long as my baby's healthy. No I don't want something wrong but I know my body better than anyone. And it's telling me something's not right. I've had bouts of morning sickness- this isn't morning sickness. And it seems as though for the amount of stretching that's going on the pain should not be this bad right now. So after analyzing what the nurse had to say, it does make sense.
I got pregnant, got sick. A lot. Bacteria stuck to the inside of my tract. I had a hard time keeping anything down. Except water and saltines. So the saltines were probably enough to keep the bacteria from spreading. Then saltines got gummy and I can't swallow them. I eat a half bowl of shredded mini wheats in the morning. Milk! Live bacteria cultures. hmmmm. So the bacteria clings to my food and slides it's way down. My body doesn't like bad bacteria. Bad bacteria are expelled but in the process also leaving some to stick and multiply and bringing more bad bacteria. I could have shortened that by just saying that it sounded like gastroenderitis but I had to think it out for myself too.
So I've looked it up a little bit and it's actually quite common for anyone with severe vomiting to have this issue and usually takes a case of actual poisoning before it's found. And there are things that can be done about it, even while preggo. Actually it's better to get it treated early on when preggo so it doesn't affect the growing fetus. (As of Monday, I can officially say fetus- no longer an embryo. Baby's growing already!)
And if it's not a bacterial infection, then I give up. These three months have actually passed by quite quickly and everyone's been so good. Mom's been there and she has been a godsend helping out with laundry, housework, and just listening. The rest of my family, Dad, Levi, and both grandmothers I know if there was something they could do they would. Dad runs my errands for me while mom helps me. Levi plays with my Brad rad and never once complains of sheer boredom while at the house. And I know it's got to be boring. And Richi.. he's been terrific. When I'm sick, he's there holding my hand. Or my hair. If I want something he's off. Days that Brad hasn't been out and mom isn't coming up, he takes him out for a while to the farm. If I need to cry he just holds me.
This much support means a lot to me and I hope you guys know how much it does. It's nice knowing that someone's there just to listen or help out. *tear*