May 09, 2005 11:39
skiervtgal66: oh man there was just a commerical on for an anti deppresant drug and its like stop taking this if you've had urges to commit suicide haha
SrfChick252: HAHAHA how does that make sense
skiervtgal66: lol i know right..its like this can help you with depression but at the same time it could make you want to commit suicide..great i'd love to take that pill to help me
SrfChick252: haha yeah its like is it not supposed to help you then
skiervtgal66: haha yeah really
SrfChick252: lol i love the warnings for most of the drugs out there, especially the erctile dysfunciton ones, its like if ur erection lasts longer than 4 hours u should seek medical attention
skiervtgal66: lol yeah those are really funny..actually i was watching a comedian the other day and he was like shit if i had a 4 hour erection i'd go find a hooker not a doctor
SrfChick252: HAHAH i guess tahts a good way of looking at it
skiervtgal66: lol yeah
SrfChick252: lol but then there are also the stds to factor in
skiervtgal66: haha well then you can just take those pills that curb your herpes..and you'll be able to be happy and like go swimming in clear blue water and go hiking
SrfChick252: LOL cuz thats what herpes prevents you fromd oing
skiervtgal66: lol i know if i had herpes i would never wanna go on vacation to like hawaii
SrfChick252: hahaha i know
SrfChick252: id be like i want to shoot myself
skiervtgal66: lol
SrfChick252: cuz no one is gonna want to have sex with me
skiervtgal66: haha yeah really...cuz hell i could do as many fun things as i'd want but having sex would still not be allowed lol
SrfChick252: hahahah yeah, otherwise id have to find some other infected dude u who do me
skiervtgal66: lol yeah so that way it wouldn't matter...or theres always the option of lying and saying you don't have herpes at all
SrfChick252: hahaha true but thats a sin!
SrfChick252: lol nah its just mena
skiervtgal66: hahaha
SrfChick252: lol ;-)
and this is just one of the reasons why i miss my v-town crew...gotta love these kinds of convos haha