(no subject)

May 25, 2007 22:35

It took some rushing around, but Seymour's got it all set up. Rat poison. Weedkiller. The axe. Bullets. He's ready to kill a plant.

But that's tomorrow night. It took some more rushing around and telephone calls, but he's got tonight set up, too. City Hall is still open - he's pretty sure he'll run into his backup, they can be the witnesses - and he made reservations at a hotel outside of Skid Row. (Someplace that's safe. He and Audrey can stay there for a few days. The plant won't die quietly.) Seymour's suitcases are packed and he's wearing a fancy navy blue suit and tie.

Now all he has to do is get to Audrey's. Which would be much easier if the floor weren't covered in vines. Twoie's still collapsed, waiting to be fed, but maybe it's sleeping. Maybe it won't notice. Maybe Seymour can get away.

He steps slowly and carefully, heart pounding.


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