(no subject)

May 21, 2007 19:44

He told Audrey that Mr. Mushnik is visiting his sister in Czechoslovakia. She hasn't asked when he'll be back. He's not sure what he'll tell her when she asks.

Seymour walks back from buying a suit uptown, at a store Audrey recommended. One of the bums asks him for change. Seymour has been noticing the bums on Skid Row lately, and wondering who would miss them. To make up for his thoughts, Seymour tosses the shabby man a dime, unable to look him in the eye.

There's a crowd around Mushnik & Son's. They're onlookers for the television show. Some are reporters. As he approaches, the eager faces and flashing bulbs turn towards him.

"Could I have your autograph?"

"...the first gardening show on a network!"

"Do you have any words for--?"

He struggles his way past, muttering "Sorry" and "Excuse me," only to trip just as he opens the door and land on the floor. Seymour stares up at the terrifyingly huge plant.

It will be very, very hungry.


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