Oct 05, 2006 13:48
Coming from work to my grandmother's apartment, I thought of all the things she taught me, coming home from the apartment I thought of all the things I learnt from her and how this post would be a meaningful tribute to my grandmother. Now that I'm home, and finally alone with my thoughts, I don't feel like exposing these feelings to the world, even if it will do me good mentally. She taught me how to be a proper man, she introduced me to culture, she was the only person that ever took me to art gallieries in toronto, she showed me a side of toronto no one ever has full of history and pride, she gave me a business sense, she taught me how to write a cheque when I was five years old, she taught me ettiquet and politeness, she introduced me to nintendo, she was the person that first took me to schezuan gormet, and when the entire family accepted the fact that she was passing away soon years ago, it made me angry and I wouldn't accept it or let them talk like that. But now theres nothing I can say, she got what she wanted, to pass away peacefully in her apartment and not have to make people sit shiva and on monday when my mom asked if I wanted to go visit her, I told her I couldnt because I felt that studying for a stupid fucking test was more important than the woman that taught me everything in life.
I've never been good with expressing myself, or saying the right thing at the right time, or writing for that matter, but if this is the best I can do, then I'm sure she would approve.
I will never put school, work, or any other temporary setback before family and friends ever again. If there was one final lesson Fran Salem taught me, it is this, and I promise to live by it. I'll miss you Bubi.