Nov 26, 2005 18:11
You may have already heard earlier reports from the Ministry of Justice that known and captures terrorist Jose Padilla has been charged for aiding and abeting the enemy. No, the other one - al Queda. His training with the known terrorist organization has led the Ministry of Justice to charge him with conspiracy to commit terrorist acts.
You may remember back in the summer of 2002 when Minister Ashcroft gave a frightening warning about the dangers of so-called dirty bombs while on his visit to Moscow. With the Kremlin in the background the honored freedom fighter spoke of the imminent danger of terrorists using radioactice material wrapped on the outside of an ordinary (large) explosive charge to kill thousands of people in a dense metropolitan area. The terror alert level would be raised from yellow (or sickly frighted) to orange (burning embers could catch fire). To prove the danger of this threat, he discussed the recent uncovering of an American citizen trained by al-Queda, who planned to attempt such the very kind of attack he detailed in the Chicago area. Lukily, thanks to his efforts in pushing the Patriot Act, the Attorney General was able to capture an American citizen and turn him over to military genrals for indefinite detention. Without any charges pressed.
And we knew we were safe because Big Brother loved us (even with our ally Eurasia loooming in background).
Fast forward three years and one more war (ongoing), and Jose Padilla is finally facing the barrel of the american justice system. I can say without *cringe* hesitation *twitch* that it is the fairest *spasm* in the world (after all, imagine what we could have done truing him over to the Syrians)*convulses*. Yes, despite the traitorous intervention of the activist judges on the Supreme Court, Mr Padilla is ready to bear the brunt for his crimes commited against the state/people in the american court system. And the proletariat contunues his march to a safer world for tommorow - for our chilren.
Okay, enough of that fascist speak. You do realize what this development means? Jose Padilla, who has been detained under the patriot act for three years already, is not being charged with the crimes he was detained to prevent from happening. They are not charging him for a conspiracy to kill people with a radiological bomb. No, I guess they didn't have enough of a case to try him for even that. Then again, these days the mere accusation of threat is enough to start a pemptive war, and send our troops to fight for...something. No, Padilla has been charged with making a mistake (a huge one albiet), which I suppose he ought to.
Mr Padilla was almost tried extra judicially, held for crimes they can't prove in court he planned to comit (and without council), while being an American citizen. Now I'm sure we understand that he made a big mistake by training as a terrorist, but what if we made a mistake of association. I know I've madea few of my own, and I even lapse in understanding the patriot act (like reading about the Project for a New American Century on public library computers, from which they can solicit the records). Not to mention this is probably ex post facto.
But there's even more to it than that. No this is about fear mondgering. The Bush administration rattles the saber of fear in our faces more than the mujahedin they claim to be combating. Mr. Padilla was another in a line of reminders that terrorists are ready to strike, so they raised the terror threat level upon his publicized arrest (unlike the thousands detained the Justice Department usually declines to list).
The Bush administration raised the terror threat level (the most confusing public information aparatus they could devise) 6 times between September 11th, 2001 and November 2nd, 2004. During that period of orange alert there were no terror attacks comited domesticly directly linked to the non-specific threat information that led to their increase. Since the president's reelection the threat level has been raised but once, last July in response to the attacks in London. Even former Department of Homeland Security Tom Ridge has expressed confusion over why the threat level was raised sometimes.
When fear in raised in a population, their primary intrest of self-preservation rallies them around their leader. People will willing sacrifice their freedoms, such as the right to fair trial and detention on mere allegation from the secret police in Washington, for security when fear is in the air. People seem to want to be safe rather than free, as long as they're free to spend what little money they have or gave up for tax cuts. Go back to bed, America.
Yes, it sure is good to see that Mr. Padilla will be locked up soon, and we'll all be safe as a result of taking the battle onto the enemy in Iraq. Even with Saddam, I mean bin Laden on the loose. Thank god we have Bush in office in this critical period in our nation's history! Isn't it good to know that Big Brother loves you?
You are free America; to do as we tell you.
bin laden,