Aug 11, 2005 02:44
O my kids think they're just the smartest that ever graced Earth. I guess that means I did a good job in giving them the quick wit and nifty sense of self esteem.
Poor little puppy dog. Gromit was operated on yesterday. Got a toomah. Just looks uncomfortable as I suppose I would if I were furry and cut into. Yup. Talking on the phone seems to be the newest psycho... oops, psychic telling. Now whyy is that? Maybe I talk to people and they don't use IM anymore because they can't get themselves to their own computers due to other people in their personal space insisting that they need the computer more than anyone else this side of the Mississippi? maybe. {gasp} If I look really closely (which I wouldn't dare to do), I bet I could see the equivalent of a crime scene type fingerprint but more of an identifyable Buttprint which would incriminate a certain dirty blond teenybopper who lives in that chair. I'm trying to figure out if she potties there or does she actually vacate to void? Seriously spends a large amount of time online. I think I used to be like that in one of my lives. Oh ya! That's right- I used to live online, back in the day. Now I have to talk to those same people by phone or stoopid emails cuz they have the same issue as me. Or maybe we're just online burn outs. Just a thought.