Fujisaki Yuusuke, better known as Bossun to friends, yesterday's lovers and enemies alike, died just a few minutes ago in an attempt to flee the city in the expectation of prolonged and violent death at the hands of several females. He is survived by his doting adoptive father,
Sakata Gintoki and a frequently inebriated mother,
Sakamoto Tatsuma as well as various subdefective siblings who shall not be named here for lack of convenient access to the family chart. Also surviving him is one universe-mate in tights,
Tsubaki Sasuke and his
ex-girlfriend who hopefully has been struck with a convenient case of amnesia and if not would please remember that her-his boyfriend was very kind and gentle in the duration of their relationship.
Bossun was the active and very reliable club-chief of the City chapter of the Sket-Dan, a forward-thinking youth with progressive ideas on community service. He will be missed by the City's many photocopiers and flyer-makers.
Please send all flowers and a great deal of food to Apartment #14 in Building 9.
[ ooc: He's not dead really, he's just FAKING HIS OWN DEATH to get out an actual one at the hands of... well there's quite a long list. And it's not pseuicide without a family/friend coming around to observe what happens and comment people back. But in this case, it's because Bossun doesn't know about filters so he can't let certain people know he's not really dead. ]