Google Books + Skemono = OTP

Nov 05, 2006 00:08

I officially love Google Books.

I was reading my current book, Jim Crow's Defense, over dinner, and found a citation that I absolutely had to look up. So just now I hopped onto Google Books to see if they had it, and got to download the entire book as a PDF--very handy, given the libraries close at 5 pm on Saturdays (which has irritated me any number of times). So now I can tell you that, according to one Robert Wilson Shufeldt, a Dr. William Lee Howard had the following to say about "the negro's sensuality":
With the oncoming of puberty, the negro shows his genesic instincts to be the controlling factor in his life. In little negro girls, lust is demonstrated to an extent scarcely possible of belief by those who have not been brought into contact with them in hospitals or otherwise. I have never seen a negro virgin over ten years of age, and never heard of one from my colleagues.

dead racists, personal

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