I just talked to the man who owns the ranch I live on (in addition to being the owner of the hotel I work for). And dlakjsd lksjdf sdlkfjs dfakljsd ;flkajsd fsdf
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Damn you, you're so right. What I'd really like is a tricorn hat with an enormous feather. Speaking of which, have you read this fantastic Hetalia fic that Jailbait showed me in which many of the countries revisit their pirate days (willingly and not-so-much)? It is sort of amazing and also hilarious.
Of course I am. I need one, too. :D No, I can't say I've read much/if any Hetalia fic at all. I enjoy watching the anime, but I've not really ventured much into the fandom.
Well. If you never venture into the fandom again afterwards, I still recommend that fic. I've read it a few times, and it is sheer hilarity, and the sort of thing you might expect to find in either the manga or the anime.
Also, hats are cool. Period. Even cowboy hats. Pirates hats are the coolest, though.
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