boo. and not the scary ghost kind either!

Oct 17, 2005 16:39

have to go back to work tonight. meh. still havent gotten that disability check. =( took my humanities exam. i dont even care how i did on it, glad to have it out of the way! i got a 92% on my phil exam i had to make up! woooo happy about that.

upcoming worries:
*)crit is thursday...have to have finished piece by then. nothing is even started on it.

*)register for classes on monday. havent even begin looking at classes yet.

*)dr. appointment on wednesday. will miss philosophy class when he is going over everything for the test.

*)ID for work was deactivated. have to get ahold of supervisor before work tonight to get into work.

ugh. after that i think im on vacation next week. i know i didnt get paid for it for being off that first week so im pretty sure i still have it. i hope i do jesus christ. id like to be off in october and actually enjoy it! thinking about having a halloween party the fri before halloween. things are still in the air though. man, i need some sleep or i will be dead at work. snack on something...then to dreamland till 8pm. i need to reduce my stress factors.
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