sitting here bored off my ass. i should be studying for the makeup exam i have to take tomorrow but eh, eff that. i really dont want to go back to school tomorrow. or go back to work for that matter. dont have to do that till tuesday at least. i have crit on thursday. havent even started on my piece yet. i cleaned up a bunch today. clened abbers cage out and put up some halloween decorations in the window. i cant wait to get some money...i havent had a paycheck or income for 2 weeks. i think im down to 10 bucks. lol. hopefully that disability check will come this week. im on vacation next week. =P take that work. i want to go to a haunted house or something. i think saturday sean and i are going to hubers. ill have money then hopefully and i can buy a pumpkin and pumpkin loaf, soup mixes, little knick knacks, and theyre chicken and dumplings. im so excited. i finally get to taste test the wine this year. wooo go 21. itll be romantic. i wanna take pictures when im up there. so i can remember. ahh. im so glad its cool outside. i think im gonna sit out there for a while and study.
man mojo is really pissin me off. not too much but its like everyone on there are bitches. if your not in their click they could give a fuck less about you. ugh. i just want some friends. i have great friends and i would like more. i like talking to people but im always shy the first time. hmmm. i think ill go study now. either that or have a bowl of ice cream. lol.
bo-red. right now
earlier today