Oct 07, 2005 23:19
so its been quite the few days since ive updated. since i know all my friends have been worrying about me ill update a lil.
today is the best ive felt since tues. i dont feel completely better but i can actually swallow a little better without it killing me.
got up at 7 am because my appointment was at 7:45am. i was super thirsty, not being able to drink the night before or eat really took a toll. i was really nervous. ive never been into surgery before. i wasnt actually scared of the operation, more scared that i wouldnt wake up. so mom picked me and sean up and we arrived there. i signed in and waited. my grandparents arrived there and they were all wishing me good luck. they were actually stressing me out more than what i was. i had a plan. since i had to take out all my piercings i figured i would take them in a baggie and put them in as soon as i woke up, i figured id be doped up on meds anyways not to feel the pain. so 9:30am arrives and they finally call me back there. i had to get nakie everything except my socks. im really glad they let me keep my socks on cause it was really cold. i lied down on the little bed thing and then they started with all the questions. i felt naked, not only literally but i had taken out all my piercings. it was odd feeling. so they stuck the IV tube in my elbow fold. it really hurt for some odd reason. sean and mom came back to talk with me before they wheeled me in. i was really nervous up to this point.finally they left and the nurses came in and injected me with the anesthesia. they wheeled me back to the operating table, i scooched on the table and asked when it would kick in. they informed me that it already shouldve started working. i was really scared then. so they took the IV out of my elbow and put it on my hand. injected me a second time with the sleepy meds and no sooner i looked up at the ceiling....boom. i dont even remember falling asleep. i do remember feeling like i was choking. i guess this was when i was waking up. i was really cold and really disoriented. the nurse was telling me to talk, i was like fuck that. they told me the procedure went well and that id have to stay there 3 hours to make sure everything was okay. i really dont remember a whole lot, i was dozing in and out. before i knew it i was at home on the couch trying to put in my piercings. i ended up losing not only my tonsils/adnoids but also my labret and industrial. =( mom stayed home with me that night, it was rough
was horrible. i felt like i had the flu and strep throat. i was running a fever, my arm ached from the IV, throat hurt and i had this horrible bad smeeling taste in my mouth that made me nasueous. i have this pain killer medicine, no one told me i was supposed to eat something before i took it...i didnt know so about wed/thur morning i took it and threw up royally. normally throwing up hurts like 38974817847 but throwing up while healing is unbearable. i lay in pain from wednesday all the way up till about right now.
i still have yucky taste/smell in my mouth which is making not feel good. i hope by next week i can feel normal. i know whenever i am healed completey im eating a big breakfast. seems like my diet is mashed potatoes,jello, and popscicles. ive lost 9lbs by the way too. so hungyr...cant eat right. gah
just wanted to say hey ryan, sorry i havent been answering, talking hurts and shizzle. seans doing okay now.
ill have to update more later....lightheaded...will update when feeling up to par again. i love all you guys.