i am: present and accounted for
listening to: rain pattering on the windows
drinking: british blend tea
- I made an incredible pot roast earlier in the week and now have some incredible BBQ made from the leftovers simmering on the stove.
- It's raining right now, and supposed to continue doing so until tomorrow evening when, if the weather forecast holds true (and what are the odds of that, really?), it will change over to snow, snow all night and much of the day Monday.
- I'm continuing to work on two projects at the same time - the manuscript project, which I'm dragging my feet on because I really have reached the final manuscript and I love the research phase, and re-rendering several dozen of my fractals at "print quality," each of which takes several days.
- I haven't worked on the manuscript project in two days, because my hands ache. I don't know if it's the weather or overuse, but my left wrist is now looking sort of knobby and aches like my right wrist did before it crumbled and fell apart. If I end up having to have part of the bone removed in my left arm too, well ... that doesn't really bear thinking about.
- So I've been resting my wrist for the past few days, not typing much. Instead, I've been utterly and completely sucked in to an egghunt application, called Hatchlings, at Facebook. Crazy, I know, and not like me at all to get caught up in something like that. It's just challenging enough to hold my interest though. I only have 27 of the 100+ limited edition eggs! Must find more! Must! ::: tsk ::: (If you're on Facebook and haven't added me, please do. Note me if you need my contact info.)
- My medieval website won an international "Site of the Decade" award yesterday. Go me. Website awards can be kind of goofy, really, but this particular award was judged by some of the nitpickiest people online. The criteria was such that I thought my site would be tossed out at the beginning of the judging, even though nothing in particular jumped out at me as a disqualification. I was informed that I was in the running because I'd applied for their evaluation/award in 2000 (or maybe it was 2001?) and was named the "Site of the Year" at that time. So, my site was measured up against nine other sites, but all ten of the sites had to first pass the disqualifications and then be evaluated on many fine points of coding, content, navigation, etc. And I'm rambling. Pardon me. It does feel like quite an accomplishment though, and will probably boost my traffic for awhile.
- Son left on his second deployment last weekend. I hope he gets to see something more interesting than Bahrain and Dubai this time. And the inside of the underwater tin can he calls home. And hopefully the tentative plan for him to return in three months to attend a LAN school here, instead of the standard six month deployment, will stay on track. I wouldn't want to be around him if they told him it had fallen through and he was stuck on the sub for that extra three months.
and that's me updated.
today's reading: since last updating i finished my reread of jasper fforde's the eyre affair, the next in the series lost in a good book, which i think was better than the first, and am now in the midst of 98 reasons for being by claire dudman and enjoying it immensely.